My interests lay in IT and Computers, radio communications, design & research both hardware & software and both family and local history too. I am interesting in history and I have co-authored a local history book from Stone-Age to modern times with Carol Murphy a dear friend. The book is called Betws Más O'r Byd (Betws Outside the World) which a small local history group helped researched.
I have other interests in radio, satellite and deep space communication I research space and satellite communications from home, teaching school children and adults some of these techniques so that they can communicate with manned and non manned space vehicles like the International Space Station (ISS) and those people working in remote isolated environments like the South Pole or central Africa where no phone or power lines exist. I am interested in digital and space communications which we will see expand further when mankind leaves this planet and humans head to other planets.
I am (was) also studying for a Open University Honours B13 degree in IT & Computers, a technology which I had already used extensively since 1972 both for work and for myself. I am doing my theory to practical studies in reverse I already use them extensively in daily life, just want to put the academic qualifications into my CV to make me a better qualified person. I am a hardware and software programmer in several languages including assembly, Smalltalk, C++ and Java. My academic career came to an end in 2008 when doctors, tutors and professors alike realised my server anaphylaxis shock had damaged my brain and short/medium term memory until I can no longer recall what I have read in the paragraph before, short and medium term memory permanently damaged to the annoyance of my family as I repeatedly ask questions I had asked before :-(. Transfusions may have also given me vCJD! |