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Yes sorry Hugo, forgot to test this one.Line 83 of descendants needs changing from from oWriter.insertLine(Util.StrFirstCharUCase(Util.FormatPhrase(Dic('HeadingGenerations'), Dic.Ordinal(level))),null, 'gnoHeading2'); to oWriter.insertLine(Util.StrFirstCharUCase(Util.FormatPhrase(Dic('HeadingGenerations'), Dic.Ordinal(level), DicMFU('_Ordinal_' + level, 'F'))),null, 'gnoHeading2');
I have tested it this time! I'll look into the Word header problem.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 by
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Descendants Report (Beta) EN
1. AutoSelect. For one individual: [0.00] Processing template 'Main.js'... Note: Auto Select - OpenOffice API not found (1001: com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URL seems to be an unsupported one.) - Checking for MS Word Generating report on descendants of Black Generated and written 5 pages in 35.218 seconds average performance of 0.14 pages per second
For two individuals - ERROR: [0.00] Processing template 'Main.js'... Note: Auto Select - OpenOffice API not found (1001: com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URL seems to be an unsupported one.) - Checking for MS Word Generating report on descendants of Black Error at line 152, position 9 (Code/MSWriter.js)
2. Select - Open Office. For one Individual and for two individuals - ERROR: [0.00] Processing template 'Main.js'... [9.14] Error: Neither OpenOffice nor MS Word ActiveX control found (1001: com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URL seems to be an unsupported one.)
3. Select - MS Word. For one individual – NO ERRORS. For two individuals - ERROR: [0.00] Processing template 'Main.js'... Generating report on descendants of Black Error at line 152, position 9 (Code/MSWriter.js):
Customized Descendants Report (Beta) EN
1. AutoSelect (Autoselect – Open Office). For one Individual and for two individuals - NO ERRORS. 2. Select - Open Office. For one individual and for two individuals - NO ERRORS. 3. Select - MS Word. For one individual - NO ERRORS. For two individuals - ERROR: [0.00] Processing template 'Main.js'... Generating report on descendants of Black Error at line 152, position 9 (Code/MSWriter.js):
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Alex (12/19/2007) Descendants Report (Beta) EN
Generating report on descendants of Black Error at line 152, position 9 (Code/MSWriter.js)
This error is because the script is trying to change headings of a non-existent section in the Word document. This did not occur in my testing with Word. However I have changed the code a second time to try and prevent this error and other problems with page headings. Thank you for your patience Alex and apologies for not fixing this the first time around. Also to Hugo, hopefully this version fixes your issues as well.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Ron (12/20/2007)Also to Hugo, hopefully this version fixes your issues as well. Hi Ron, the problem is fixed... Thanks! :, but I found a little new one: :, it's litle complex to explain, please see the attached file and generate a report on one of the parents, the problem is in second generation title  Also could you please add gender option to PhNameFriendlyTxt ... Thanks Regards, Hugo
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Hi Ron With Descendants Beta 3.3 no problem (OO and MS Word). Thank you.
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haep (12/20/2007)
... I found a little new one:  :, it's litle complex to explain, please see the attached file and generate a report on one of the parents, the problem is in second generation title  Also could you please add gender option to PhNameFriendlyTxt ... I believe these issues are fixed in the lastest revision (see later posting on this thread), and hopefully no new bugs have crawled in
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Saturday, January 5, 2008 by
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To Ron: Bravo. The Descendant report's getting good. I suppose you're still working on it for NameDic lookups and other translation issues not ported yet, as previously mentioned in your posting No. 20114. The Descendant Rep I generated is with OO. I Didn't try with Word. 1) I was about to request an '_F' option for <PhBirthAndDeathTxt> when I saw, in Descendants.js file, that the Ind Gender is passed as param {0} thus making, in Dic, this '<..._F>' Ph not required. Question: In order to reduce (slightly I suppose) the size of the Dic, why don't you provide every relevant Phrases with the Ind Gender param (when applicable), thus avoiding all these 'doubling/duplicate' _F phrases templates? In FR for exemple, the only differences in between M & F are, for the 'F' gender, an additional 'e' at the end of adjectives: né->née; divorcé->divorcée; séparé->séparée; marié->mariée; ... This would entail this little code: [{?0=F}e] for example. But maybe proper separate '_F' Ph options are required for other languages! and for easier translation? Comment equally valid for the Main Web Rep. If the Ind Gender could be passed as a param, I could get rid of my FR '_F' Ph: PhBirth_F, PhBirthTxt_F, PhChildRank_F, PhDied_F, PhDiedTxt_F, PhOnlyChild_F, PhFRTxt_Marriage_F, PhFRTxt_Separation_F, PhFRTxt_SeparationLegal_F, PhFRTxt_Divorce_F, PhJT_Promotion_F, PhJT_Fired_F, PhJT_Retirement_F, PhJT_Death_F, PhJTTxt_Promotion_F, PhJTTxt_Fired_F, PhJTTxt_Retirement_F, PhJTTxt_Death_F, PhPL_adopted_F, PhPL_foster_F, PhPL_adopted2_F, PhPL_foster2_F, PhTL_Birth_F and PhTL_Died_F. A saving of 24 lines. Also please correct line 306 of Descendants.js file from: 'i.Gender.ID' to 'c.Gender.ID'. 2) Requirement for an '_F' Gender option (DicMFU or Gender param?) for the Dic <PhFRTxt_...> Phrases. 3) A space (or a line feed) is required, sometimes (the red Ul), before 'The children of this family are:-' Ph:
4) There is something wrong with the associated routine code. In my main report, it says: 
and in the Descendant Rep, it says: 
The correct one being 'are'. See also my point 8 below. Also if you could correct in removing one of the ending dots, shown with red arrows. It only happens on some Ph. 5) The appendix A, sometimes, doesn't start on a new page: 
Now these few obs are regarding the Main Web Rep: 6) The most popular places list, on the main opening RP, is not properly sorted anymore: 
7) Still playing around, I added an URL to the source of one of my places (actually the official web site of that place. I hope I'm not infringing any copyright? Please advise.) and noticed the URL takes up the whole RP or Popup Pane, depending where I clicked the URL link from. Any way to keep available the 'close' and 'maximize' icons in these panes? 
It may also be a good idea to have these 'URL' fields dual-lang compatible. In my 'Place' example, I noticed that some web sites provide an FR and EN versions, which will auto-handily be selected depending on the Rep Gene Lang. Also why, in a Place case, do we have to go through a source to add up a URL? Can't this be achieved, directly on the Place Prop Panel: 
8) This comment is regarding the function strVerb() associated with a separation. In EN, the past tense is used: e.g. They were separated. In FR, we use the present tense when both Inds are alive, e.g. Ils sont séparés. When 1 Ind or both are dead: Ils étaient séparés. In order not to modify too much the code in Util/Lang.vbs, I could get round the problem if: a.) an 'Is dead?' param is passed. b.) both present and past tenses are passed. e.g.: <!-- 0=nom et partenaire|ils 1=sont|étaient 2=nommés? 3=is dead? 4=sont 5=étaient --> <PhFR_Separation T="{0h} [{?3}{5}][{?!3}{4}] séparés."/> In this case, the param {1} will not be used. Ron may have some other idea! 9) Unicode problem?: 

The letter in question is 'é'. Thank you, JC
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item 3) and 4)
3) I used the code for line break and it works just fine 4) remove the dot at the end of the phrase for PhBaptismTxt T= and it will not show 2 dots.
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I created the new file for A, B, C, D, E. If I write d.o.b. for E, I get this bug in Descendants report (MS Word and OO):
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jcguasp (1/1/2008)
1) I was about to request an '_F' option for <PhBirthAndDeathTxt> when I saw, in Descendants.js file, that the Ind Gender is passed as param {0} thus making, in Dic, this '<..._F>' Ph not required. Question: In order to reduce (slightly I suppose) the size of the Dic, why don't you provide every relevant Phrases with the Ind Gender param (when applicable), thus avoiding all these 'doubling/duplicate' _F phrases templates 2) Requirement for an '_F' Gender option (DicMFU or Gender param?) for the Dic <PhFRTxt_...> Phrases. 8) This comment is regarding the function strVerb() associated with a separation. In EN, the past tense is used: e.g. They were separated. In FR, we use the present tense when both Inds are alive, e.g. Ils sont séparés. When 1 Ind or both are dead: Ils étaient séparés.3) A space (or a line feed) is required, sometimes (the red Ul), before 'The children of this family are:-' I have added gender parameters to the Ph...Txt phrases mentioned. I have also changed the routines for PhFRTxt_ so that tenses of 'to be' are no longer passed. Instead two boolean parameters, 'all partners still alive?' and 'currently partners?' are passed as {1} & {2}, so we can have <!-- 0=name, 1=both alive? 2=still together? 3=spouse, 4=First/Next, 5=gender.ID, 6=spouse gender.ID --> <PhFRTxt_Engagement T="[{4} ]{0} and {3} [{?1^2}are][{!}were] engaged to be married."/> Note that I will deal with the issues on the Narrative Report in a new thread, here,keeping this one for Descendants Report. Also please correct line 306 of Descendants.js file from: 'i.Gender.ID' to 'c.Gender.ID'. Done4) There is something wrong with the associated routine code. In my main report, it says 'are living toghether' and in the Descendant Rep, it says 'were living together' The correct one being 'are'. Also if you could correct in removing one of the ending dots, shown with red arrows. It only happens on some Ph 5) The appendix A, sometimes, doesn't start on a new page:. DoneAlex (1/3/2008) I created the new file for A, B, C, D, E. If I write d.o.b. for E, I get this bug in Descendants report (MS Word and OO):..... Also fixedSee attached zip file for revised skin with above corrections
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Thursday, January 10, 2008 by