Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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Gamma Customers Important Contributors FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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Hi, have there been any other updates on server! I noticed that I wasn't prompted for password to get to my password protected family tree!
- "εν οιδα οτι ουδεν οιδα" (Σωκρατησ) - "The only thing that I know is that I don't know anything" (Socrates)
Edited: Monday, September 18, 2006 by
Gamma Moderators Administrators FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Customers GenoPro version:
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If you are referring to familytrees.genopro.com, your password is request once per session. Close your browser and then try to access your password protected publication, you will be prompted for your password again.If you referring to the our [new] services Send a File and Create Online Backup, you don't have to login to view the files if you are already logged in with this forum. The download link sent by the confirmation email contains a 64-bit validation key which is sent only to the destination recipient. It is pretty hard to guess a correct 64-bit validation key for a given file.
Edited: Monday, September 18, 2006 by
Customers GenoPro version:
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Hint for users of the 'Send File to User' feature: watch out, because the format of the file being downloaded is actually XML. During the download, the 'Save As' dialogue box incorrectly assumes (currently) that the file is GNO format, resulting in the file not opening as it should. Quick fix is to modify the suffix (from GNO) to XML after download, and it will then open as an XML file. Can this be corrected at source please?
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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This is a feature by design. The extension .gno can be a native .gno file or an .xml file. If GenoPro detects a .gno file with XML content, then it uses its import module to import the XML data.
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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Humm... you are right. Sometimes the attachment is opened in the browser or with Notepad. We need to take a look at the Content Type and the disposition.
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Okay, I've got the picture. Looks like the downloaded file (with GNO suffix, but actually in XML format) imports automatically in Beta 2b18e as a GNO file. Earlier Beta versions dont do the automatic import, and an error message comes up.
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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ric_cw (9/20/2006) Earlier Beta versions dont do the automatic import, and an error message comes up.Yes. I wrote some code to detect an XML content when a .gno file is opened. If the content appear to be XML, then GenoPro imports the XML document instead of opening it as a native .gno. This feature is only available since Beta 2.b18e. By the way, I fixed a bug where sometimes the .gno extension would not be appended if there was already a dot in the file. In the future, all files sent to other users will end with .gno which will make them easier to open.
Edited: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 by
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I'd like to backup online but the prompt does not appear in the File menu - I have Genopro2007
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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