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The new XML Toolkit Version 2014.01.27 worked like a charm on converting custom tags for Marriage and Divorce places. I'm still working on data transposing for the Census records and I'll report back later. Thanks again!!
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Hopefully Toolkit version 2014.01.27 does the job
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Monday, January 27, 2014 by
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Thanks, genome. One issue I see is that my custom tags for marriage and divorce location are within the Family Dialog Layout, whereas the GenoPro permanent fields are within the Union Dialog layout. I see that there can be multiple unions for each family, although I have not used more than one for each. Are you able to pick up custom tags from any of the layout sections?
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Just to say I am looking into this now. Hopefully I can modify the existing CENS processing to handle this and also add some MARR/DIV.place handling to the Union objects.
Hope to have something ready in a days or so
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Again, thanks for the recent tweaks to XML Toolkit.
I'm wondering if the same tweaks could be added for Marriage and Divorce locations:
Custom Tag ----> GenoPro Tag MARR.place ----> Place (Union Place) DIV.place ----> Divorce.Place
A person can have more than one Union, but these are grouped by Union, so additional marriages will have separate records.
I'm struggling with my Census data, which is lumped into General Comments as well, but I can extract it into custom tags in the form of 'yyyy Census Entry' ..... e.g. - '1930 US Federal Census, Albany, Albany Co., NY'
There will normally be multiple census records per individual and I don't know if these could be stacked into the 'Contact - Occupancy Place' fields in successive order.
But if possible, I'd like to see the following:
Custom Tag ----> GenoPro Tag CENS1.place ----> Place (Occupancy Place) - 1st spot CENS2.place ----> Place (Occupancy Place) - 2nd spot -to- CENS9.place ----> Place (Occupancy Place) - 9th spot
Up to 9 Census Places per person.
Thanks again for your help.
Edited: Monday, January 20, 2014 by
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I just tried the new XML Toolkit and it worked perfectly!!
I used the new facility to transfer Place names from custom tags BIRT.place, BAPM.place, DEAT.place and BURI.place to regular GenoPro fields. I had populated those custom fields using an EXCEL spreadsheet and copy/paste operations within the GenoPro Table Layout. One note is that within Tag Editor, to set up the custom tags, the exact names above (BIRT.place, etc) must be in the Tag Permanent Name field, not Tag Display Name or Tag Description. Once I got that right, XML Toolkit processed 8,000+ entries, moving all that data into the regular GenoPro fields... which will now export into GEDCOM and so forth.
Thank you SO MUCH, genome... you saved me an infinite amount of time, because I never would have tried doing all that manually!!
Now I need to work on my census data... see if I can extract all that into custom fields. You see I have lumped a lot of data into the General Comments field, which works well for my normal Reporting using Ancestral Author, but it doesn't work well for uploading to Ancestry.com.
Edited: Friday, January 17, 2014 by
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I have now published a revised XML Toolkit for GenoPro with two additional facilities under the 'Miscellanous Edits' tab that should assist here. The first allows bulk import of custom tags and the second conversion the requested custom 'place' tags to regular GenoPro fields. so for example the spreadsheet data: can be imported after conversion to JSON format (see file import.json in the Toolkit skin to details of how to convert) [{"ID":"ind00001","Name":"Harry Potter","BIRT.place":"London","BAPM.place":"Paris","DEAT.place":"Rome","BURI.place":"Madrid"},{"ID":"ind00002","Name":"Vernon Dursley","BIRT.place":"here","BAPM.place":"there","DEAT.place":"nowhere","BURI.place":"everywhere"}, {"ID":"ind00003","Name":"Petunia Evans (Dursley)","BIRT.place":"mercury","BAPM.place":"venus","DEAT.place":"mars","BURI.place":"pluto"}] |
matching on either ID or Name. The resulting GenoPro . xml file can be opened in GenoPro and the Toolkit ran again to convert these custom tags to the equivcalent regular tags.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Thursday, January 16, 2014 by
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Your requirements should be do-able with a few tweaks to the XML Toolkit. I'll take look and get back to you ASAP.
There is code in there already to create Place records so probably the best approach would be to take BIRT.place, DEAT.place and BURI.place custom tags across to their rightful GenPro place. Regarding GenoPro. This forum is still alive and kicking, as is familytrees.genopro.com. www.genopro.com is also still there albeit a little quiet. I believe GenoPro is still being sold and appears to be widely used in academia and other institutions. Reports of its demise maybe exaggerated
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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A quick follow-up...
Incidently, I read the posts about the uncertain future of GenoPro due to higher priorities... this is understandable, but nonetheless disappointing. I've invested countless hours in my genealogy research, almost exclusively using GenoPro as the database/platform, so if I need to migrate to another software program, I'd like to make it as seemless as possible. If the makers of GenoPro cannot support continued development/support, I would think that it could/should be sold to a commercial software company.
Anyway, I'm not sure if my needs can be met using XML Toolkit or maybe just the GEDCOM Report Generator. I need to be able to pick up certain custom tags as GEDCOM output.
Custom Tag ----> GEDCOM Tag Birth Location ----> PLAC (under BIRT section) Death Location ----> PLAC (under DEAT section) Burial Location ----> PLAC (under BURI section)
If these tags can be copied into the main GenoPro tags, 'Place of Birth', 'Place of Death', and 'Place of Burial' that would be great, but the primary need is to capture this data in my GEDCOM output file.
Customers GenoPro version:
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I have installed the XML Toolkit and I was hoping it would help me populate the "Place of Birth" and "Place of Death" fields, but apparently not.
I have over 10,000 individuals in my main tree and I have packed a lot of info into the General Comments field such as "b. Albany, NY" and "d. Chicago, IL". I can extract these fields by copying the Comments column from the GenoPro Table Layout into an MS Excel spreadsheet and using text functions to find and isolate the characters in the string. I could then paste these text strings back into the appropriate fields in the GenoPro Table Layout, but unfortunately no pasting is allowed in these fields ("Place of Birth" and "Place of Death"). They must be populated one-by-one from within the Birth and Death tabs.
I see that the XML Toolkit allows retrieval of stray OCCU and RESI fields imported into Custom Tags back into the the regular GenoPro fields... so I'm wondering if Custom Tags labeled BIRT and DEAT could be processed by XML Toolkit to populate the main "Place of Birth" and "Place of Death" fields?
I find the Properties Birth and Death tabs to be cumbersome when working with hundreds of individual records, so that is why I use the General Comments field as a catch-all. The problem is that I am exporting to Ancestry.com using the GenoPro GEDCOM Report Generator and I would like this data to populate that database correctly, so I need the BIRT and DEAT fields populated.
Thank you for your consideration of this option.