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XML Toolkit for GenoPro

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Author report skin update
Posted Monday, August 5, 2013 - Post #32154
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This report skin for GenoPro can be used to amend your GenoPro data files.

Amongst several other functions it will create multi-line custom tags, specifically aimed at use as the top display label for individuals. It can also add marriage/divorce dates to the family label .  The templates for these tags can be modified via Dictionary.xml. Note that although multi-line custom tags can be displayed as the top label for an individual, such tags cannot be modified within GenoPro. There is an option to mark as dead anyone over a specified age. Also a number of options aimed at recovering Gedcom data languishing in Custom Tags after a Gedcom import.

Explore the tabs in the Configuration Parameters dialog displayed when running the report to see options available

This report skin is distributed with GenoPro and latest updates can be found here

This report skin produces a GenoPro compatible XML file in the specified Report folder with the changes applied. 

I recommend comparing the before an after XML files to check changes. First export your existing .gno file to an XML to serve as the reference. Run this utility and open the XML file produced with GenoPro. Check that it loads with no errors and visually verify the changes using GenoPro. Then export this new file as another new XML file (this will provide your data in the same format as your reference XML file). Then compare the reference XML file with this latter file with a utility such as WinMerge or WinDiff. (Google will find downloads for these if reqd). If you are happy with the changes you can then save the new XML file as a .gno file.

Play safe a keep a backup of the original.   It is a good idea to regularly take online backups to the GenoPro server using File/Online Backup from the GenoPro Menu bar.

N.B. This software is provided 'as is' and is used at your own risk.  I accept no liability for any loss or corruption to your data that may arise during the use of this software.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"


Edited: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 by genome
Posted Thursday, January 16, 2014 - Post #32998
Legendary Master

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This post provides details of changes to the XML Toolkit for GenoPro report skin that can be found as an attachment to the first post in this topic.  
Version 2014.01.27
  • Conversion of Gedcom CENS tags extended to include CENSx tags (where x=1 to 9) e.g. place to occupancy.
  • Added conversion of custom tags / in either Family or Union object to regular GenoPro Union.Place and Union.Divorce.PLace tags.
Version 2014.01.17
  • New facility for bulk import of custom tags to existing individuals from data derived from  spreadsheet or csv.  Entries can be matched on ID, Full Name, Alternative Name, Full Name plus DoB or Alternative Name plus Date of Birth. See skin file import.json for information on data format required.
  • New facility to transfer Place names from custom tags,, DEAT,place and to regular GenoPro fields Birth.Place, Birth.Baptism.Place, Death.Place and Death.Disposition.Place respectively. see also Discussion re XML Toolkit for GenoPro
Previous versions
Update 2013.11.05
Update: 2013.10.28     Configuration Parameters dialogue reimplemented as an HTA tabbed dialog.
Four-fold performance improvement. 
Fix 'Duplicate ID' problem - e.g. when creating Contacts and Places from RESI tags 
Update: 2013.08.?? Fixes a problem whereby the dialogue page does not load and the skin ends without making changes.
Update: 2011/03/24 Option to invert tree added.
Update: 2009/03/26 minor update to mode of popup error message.
Update: 2009/03/24 date & place of marriage Name case conversion options added. Dialogue window now brought to front.
Update: 2007/03/12 amendment to text on form (b7)
Update: 2007/03/11 date month lower case correction (b6).
Update: 2007/03/10 marriage date option corrected (b5).
Update: 2007/02/12 marriage date option added (b4).
Update: 2007/02/12 another revision to attachment (b3).
Update: 2007/02/11 revised attachment (b2).

This topic is closed to prevent replies.  Any comments or bug reports should be posted as a new topic e.g. in Report Generator Bugs subforums  

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Monday, January 27, 2014 by genome

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