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How to fix Error at line 67 (default.htm) VBScript 800A0005 in the...

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Posted Monday, October 28, 2013 - Post #32666
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This error means that you are attempting to run the Narrative Report skin that is built in to the last release of GenoPro 2011 i.e.

However the latest version of GenoPro 2011 DOES NOT CONTAIN THE LATEST VERSION OF THE REPORT SKINS
However GenoPro 2016 does Smile

Support the development of GenoProX by purchasing GenoPro 2016 

To fix this error in the Narrative report for GenoPro 2011 download the updated skin from the very bottom of the first post in topic Latest GenoPro 2011 'Narrative Report' Skin

There is also a topic there telling you How to install and use custom or updated skins Follow the instructions given there. It is important to note that you should create your own folder to hold these report skins, as per the instructions.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"


Edited: Sunday, November 8, 2015 by genome
Posted Saturday, January 2, 2016 - Post #36412
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genome (28-Oct-2013)
This error means that you are attempting to run the Narrative Report skin that is built in to the last release of GenoPro 2011 i.e.

However the latest version of GenoPro 2011 DOES NOT CONTAIN THE LATEST VERSION OF THE REPORT SKINS
However GenoPro 2016 does Smile

Support the development of GenoProX by purchasing GenoPro 2016 

To fix this error in the Narrative report for GenoPro 2011 download the updated skin from the very bottom of the first post in topic Latest GenoPro 2011 'Narrative Report' Skin

There is also a topic there telling you How to install and use custom or updated skins Follow the instructions given there. It is important to note that you should create your own folder to hold these report skins, as per the instructions.

Thank you for the links provided. While I followed the instructions, I have clearly made a hash of all this.

GenoPro is in C:/Program Files (x86)/GenoPro. I added a folder called Skins and extracted the files to that folder. Checked options in the Web Publishing window and it saw the Skins folder. Generated the report and got the same error message as before. i.e., Error at line 67 (default.htm): Invalid procedure call or argument: '[string: "(null)"]'
Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800A0005

The Genopro Carrozza "tree" lives in Drive D:/MyDocuments/GenoPro Reports. (Note GenoPro Reports not just GenoPro per in the instructions) I added a folder called Skins2 and extracted the files to that folder. I ran the report after checking that Skins2 was the folder it was going to look for and got the same error message above.

What have I done wrong?
Posted Saturday, January 2, 2016 - Post #36414
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Did you read this line in the second post?

** N.B. Please note the the folder you specify here is NOT the skins folder given above but a folder BELOW it.  

If you have extracted the files correctly into a folder below your nominated skins folder then you will see this folder in the list of available skins in the Generate Report dialogue.

It would appear that you are still selecting the original skin from this list and hence getting the same error again. Both the updated skin and the original will be in the list.

With GenoPro 2016 updated skins are packaged with the installer so there is no need to download skins separately. Just one of the benefits of moving to GenoPro 2016.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Saturday, January 2, 2016 by genome
Posted Sunday, January 3, 2016 - Post #36423
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genome (02-Jan-2016)
Did you read this line in the second post?

** N.B. Please note the the folder you specify here is NOT the skins folder given above but a folder BELOW it.  

If you have extracted the files correctly into a folder below your nominated skins folder then you will see this folder in the list of available skins in the Generate Report dialogue.

It would appear that you are still selecting the original skin from this list and hence getting the same error again. Both the updated skin and the original will be in the list.

With GenoPro 2016 updated skins are packaged with the installer so there is no need to download skins separately. Just one of the benefits of moving to GenoPro 2016.

Actually, I just gave up. I figured I would just spend the $50.00 and get the upgrade. But, then I saw a small link at the top of the purchase sheet that said I could spend $15.00 and get the package as I previously purchased GenoPro back in 2007.

To make a long story tedious, I was able to publish a reportCool

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