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I have several fields which take values of only a single character or just a few, eg Y/N or Year Number. Allocating a whole horizontal line in the entry panel for each such field is a waste of space. How can I specify that more than one field be on each line?
I don't wish for complete control of field placement but would like to be able to group certain fields together on the same line.
Administrators Customers Important Contributors GenoPro version:
Last Login: 6 hours ago
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The custom tag tab on the Proporties dialog cannot be changed. to use a single Another approach would be to use a single custom tag to record several values e.g.
myCustomTags = Marker1:Y, Marker2:N, Marker3:J, Year1:1951, Year2:2010, Text1:"some text" etc I recall your earlier post about writing custom tag data to a gedcom exportIn this case the script required in the Config Param field to access each value separately would be something like: var Flags={Y:"Y", N:"N", J:"J"}, data={}, tag=(this.GetTagValue(i,"myCustomTags") + '') || '';with (Flags) eval('data={'+tag+'};'); // create javascript object 'data' from tag values. // then output gedcom for any subtags present e.g. Report.Write3Br('1 SomeTag ', data.Marker1, ''); // output Gedcom tag 'SomeTag' if Marker1 present Report.WritePhrase('1 EVEN{\\br}2 Type your event name{\\br}2 Date {0}{\\br}', data.Year2); //output Gedcom event structure if Year2 present
The field names Marker1, Marker2, Year1, Year2, Text1 etc can of course ber chnaged to suit your own requirements
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Saturday, April 25, 2015 by