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How to handle Greek "middle" names?

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Posted Tuesday, July 9, 2024 - Post #44234
Famous Writer

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Last Login: 2 days ago @ 8:37 AM
Posts: 254, Visits: 1,716
Greeks don't really have middle names ... it's the possessive form of the father's given name.

So if the father's name is George, all his kids will have the "middle name" of Georgiou.

The tricky part happens when a woman gets married.  Her "middle name" becomes the possessive form of her husband's given name (and it reverts back if she gets divorced).  Her last name may or may not change, depending on when she got married (I'm still a little hazy on this).

What I had been doing was using her father's given name in the Middle Name field, but when she got married, I replaced it with her husband's given name.  It's a non-issue if they have the same name, but I was recently made aware that it doesn't read correctly with the current Narrative report.

I currently use the Alternative Name field for the name they use in countries with different alphabets (eg, if born in Greece, Alt. Name field = name used in the US/Canada, or if born in the US, and they have Greek Citizenship, the Alt. Name = their Greek name)

What is the best solution for the Greek "middle name" problem?

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