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Translating names from one language to another

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Author Translating family names from one language to another
Posted Wednesday, August 17, 2005 - Post #6893
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I'm using English as my family tree language because I have relatives all over the world. My language is Hebrew.
I dont want to have two family trees to maintain (English + Hebrew).


I thought of an idea.
The dictionary.xml file lets me generate a report in Hebrew for my tree. The problem is that the name (first + last) will be in English.

I thought of using the dictionary.xml to translate names from English to Hebrew. I tried it and it worked.
However - the list of names and surnamesis very long.

my question:
I want to create a new xml file that will hold all the names and surnames I want.
Is there any methods within the Report generator that I can use to retrieve information from the xml file (like the LanguageDictionary method)?

Edited: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 by GenoProSupport
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #6894
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At the moment, the LanguageDictionary object has only two methods: Lookup and Peek. Both method return the translated text, however Peek does not display any error if the string identifier is not there.

The LanguageDictionary was designed to be very performant, so it uses a hybrid data structure, and this is the reason why there are no other built-in methods to iterate. Of course, I can add new methods. Would it be better to have a separate XML file for this purpose?

What about modifying GenoPro to have fields regarding translation, similar to DoroTree?
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #6895
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I started all my trees in english, but then I thought about all my german and japanese relatives.
So for me it's like keeping one english xml for all and one xml especially for japanese. As far as reports are going I have to make three dictionaries for three kind of reports such as english with First and Last Names and all education, occupation and comments, no translation necessary.
Then one dictionary for german and also modifying the reports, however I would like to skip all comments for educations, occupations and pictures by some kind of selection mode beforehand and then one for japanese using only Alternative Names with the same selection as for german. The reports (html) to be translated correspondingly. A table style layout would be more suitable than a narrative style.

Modified the report of "ron" into german and modified the individual.htm. The first part looks ok now with me, but when it comes to education and occupation and! comments it is just too much to ask for. So it will be a stripped down report to basic information.

So the request goes for a very straight forward reporting style with the possibility for selections (included in report yes/no), This will make the translation a lot easyer.
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #6896
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maru-san (8/18/2005)
So the request goes for a very straight forward reporting style with the possibility for selections (included in report yes/no), This will make the translation a lot easyer.

Can you elaborate a bit more on this? I don't understand. By the way, I am adding new methods to better take advantage of the language dictionary. My goal is to have GenoPro capable to use a true universal HTML template, where all the language-dependent text is stored in the language dictionary.
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #6897
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My suggestion is when you open the dialog box for making your report, you will have under option not only the path of pictures but actually the choice what you want to have included in the report (which name, education yes/no, occupation yes/no, comments yes/no, etc.). Whether this can be done is another question.
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #6898
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What you requested is not a problem at all. In fact, all the tags in the <Parameters> in Config.xml will be accessible from the report dialog. In the configuration file, you will be able to define whatever the parameter is plain text or a list of options.

In the meantime, you have to manually edit Config.xml using Nodepad.
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #6899
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The LanguageDictionary was designed to be very performant, so it uses a hybrid data structure, and this is the reason why there are no other built-in methods to iterate. Of course, I can add new methods. Would it be better to have a separate XML file for this purpose?

What about modifying GenoPro to have fields regarding translation, similar to DoroTree?

First - as I understand it the LanguageDictionary is looking only in the <ReportGenerator>
section of the dictionary. If I put my translated names there I can do what I want but the list is going to be a very long one, so I thought that it is better to put them in their own file. It will be also easier to maintain the list there.

As to modify GenoPro to have fields regarding translation similar to DoroTree, of course it is the better solution.
In my method, however:
1. There is no need for such fields.
2. I don't have to translate first and last names for every individuals in my tree, I only have to do it once in the Names.xml file.

Edited: Wednesday, October 5, 2005 by GenoProSupport
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #6900
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Should GenoPro store those translated names in the .gno or .xml file? GenoPro could have a list of translated names, and the report generator having a method such as Util.GetTranslatedName("morin") returning the translated name.

Of course, a an external file names.xml could also be used, as a "default" lookup if there is no names found in the .gno file.
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #6901
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Should GenoPro store those translated names in the .gno or .xml file? GenoPro could have a list of translated names, and the report generator having a method such as Util.GetTranslatedName("morin") returning the translated name.

If you are talking about my suggestion (no special fields in GenoPro) - GenoPro needs only to add a method of retrieving information from an xml file. The maintance of this file is on the user, not GenoPro. The method should be somthing like: Util.GetXMLValue (xmlFile, LookUpVal) or Util.GetXmlValue (xmlFile, xmlSection, LookUpVal).

On the other hand if you are talking about additional fields then GenoPro can store it on the .gno file since it can be retrieved as any other field.
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #6902
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Wouldn't it be complicated for user to have data stored in two different files!

Shouldn't single source for data be *xml OR *gno file... the other one just might exist as a backup?!

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