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Excluding comments from a report for better privacy

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Author Checkbox to exclude some comments from a report
Posted Tuesday, June 20, 2006 - Post #11625
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I understand what you mean and how important private notes can be.  What I have in mind is a generic mechanism to mark any comment as private, as HTML and/or as another language such as French, Hebrew, and so on.  At the moment, the comment is stored in plain text, however I need to upgrade the internal structures to support more.

A simple solution would be having a checkbox named Private Comment.  When this checkbox is checked, then the comments are excluded from the report.  This may appear a good solution, however there are several drawbacks:

1. The user cannot type a public comment and a private comment.  With my solution in mind, the user could enter a private comment, and a public comment containing HTML tags for the report.  GenoPro would be aware of the HTML tags and would insert the text differently in the report to fully leverage the HTML code.

2. The checkbox requires modifying the templates of report generator to exclude all private comments.  The correct solution is having those private comments automatically removed by GenoPro, so the report generator is not aware of them.  This will simplify the code and eliminate the possible error of forgetting to write code to exclude a private comment.

3. This is the job of the Privacy filter to remove unwanted information.

I have taken a note in my "todo" list to review this issue... what can be done for version 2.0 and what will be done after...

Edited: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 by GenoProSupport

Posted Tuesday, June 20, 2006 - Post #11635
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  This is exactly what I am seeking.   Your solution is the correct one, in my opinion.  If this will take a long time (i.e. pushed off to after 2.0), I suggest that you place a new field meanwhile called private comment.


Posted Wednesday, June 21, 2006 - Post #11636
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The problem with the checkbox Private Comment is all comments will remain in the .gno file.  Any report containing the .gno, .xml or .ged file will still have those [private] comment.  The solution is therefore to have the privacy filter remove those comments.  Of course, I can write code to visit each comment, and somehow match a flag to each of them.  If the flag "private" is enabled, then remove the comment.  What I don't like about this approach is this will pollute the data structures with an obsolete design.  In the future, GenoPro will have to support those unrelated "private" flags which will be totally disconnected from the comments.  Again, the real solution is to have the private flag built-in with with the text itself.

One suggestion would be to use a special character to mark the begining of a private comment.  For instance, you can use the tide (~) character at the begining of a private comment.  Then, modify the code in the HTML template to exclude any comment starting with the tide (~) character.  If you don'tlike the tide character, youmay pick another character such as the percent (%) or caret (^).  Rarely you will see a comment begining with those characters.

Edited: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 by GenoProSupport

Posted Wednesday, June 21, 2006 - Post #11637
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After some thinking, I got an idea.  The Privacy Filter could have an option to Remove Private Comments.  If this option is enabled, GenoPro would remove any comment starting with the exclamation mark (!).  I am choosing the exclamation mark over the tide (~) because it is easier to type by users.  The tide is known to developers and Unix users, but quite unknown to the average Joe.
Posted Wednesday, June 21, 2006 - Post #11638
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An extension to this idea would be adding a checkbox Private Comment which would automatically insert the exclamation mark at the begining of the comment.  This is quite different from having a special flag to remember which comment is private because it does not involve any new data structure.

Edited: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 by GenoProSupport
Posted Wednesday, June 21, 2006 - Post #11641
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How does your solution work with the following (this is needed for the same individual):

1. Public comment

2. Private comment

if I don't misunderstand, with your solution it can only be one or the other, not both for the same individual.

Perhaps we should have a filter that is XML-like ([private][/private]) as part of the comment itself. e.g.,

   Public comment, Blah blah...[private] and he was so and so...  [/private] ...  more public comments. 

Or else, the best solution for now is to create a custom field, called private comment, and fill in the information there.  When you have a complete solution, the private information will need to be moved into that field.

When all is said and done, I still believe the best solution is to have a separate field, called private comment.


Posted Wednesday, June 21, 2006 - Post #11642
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rdn (6/21/2006)
How does your solution work with the following (this is needed for the same individual):

1. Public comment
2. Private comment

if I don't misunderstand, with your solution it can only be one or the other, not both for the same individual.

The solution of a Private Comment checkbox would work only for one or the other, but not both a private and public comment for the same individual.  What I had in mind was a special text control capable to split itself in two, one for the public and one for the private comment.

The Green and Red buttons would make the public and private comment show and hide.  Of course, the user interface would be a bit better with different colors and tooltips.

I really like your idea of having tags [private] [/private] and so on.  I wanted to support HTML tags, so the [html] [/html] tags could be used to indicate there is HTML code within those tags.  GenoPro could then output rich HTML content in hte reports.  This would easily solve the multi-lingual comment.


This is a a public comment in a "neutral" language, however [private]this part of the comment is private[/private] and this part is in [html]<b>bold</b>[/html].

[lang=FR]Ce commentaire est en fraçais.[/lang]

Edited: Saturday, November 25, 2006 by GenoProSupport
Posted Wednesday, June 21, 2006 - Post #11644
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Your solution as it appears in the screen shot is perfect !

Posted Wednesday, June 21, 2006 - Post #11647
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I also like the tags.  The problem begins with non-programmers.  Are they going to need a Frontpage-like editor to be able to use the special tags?

Posted Wednesday, June 21, 2006 - Post #11648
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rdn (6/21/2006)
I also like the tags.  The problem begins with non-programmers.  Are they going to need a Frontpage-like editor to be able to use the special tags?

Those tags will be available from mini-toolbar with buttons to insert the [private][/private], [html][/html], and [lang=][/lang] of the selected text.  This mini-toolbar would appear instead of the green and red buttons in the screenshot above.

Of course, there will be only one textbox for the comment, however this textbox could contains a combination of comments, public and private, in many languages.  One advantage of this design is it can also be used for other fields such as names.

Edited: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 by GenoProSupport

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