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Well its been a some time but hopefully the attached skin is the last RC before!(Updated in later post)
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Friday, March 28, 2008 by
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Ron,I still have this blank page at the end of my report (point 1 of my previous post 21127) but this time without the 'Name Index' title. It's still with OO. Still didn't try with MS Word. JC Update: It's fairly quick but it's seems that when column 1 has been filled in, it creates this new blank page then goes back to the previous page to fill in column 2!
Edited: Friday, March 28, 2008 by
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When I first looked at this I could see no extra page with OO but there was with MS so I corrected that. But your last post provided the clue required. I must have overlooked once again your comment re OO & MS in the 1st one. There was an extra paragraph mark following the 3 column text section and when the first column filled this was displaced into a new page. So once I had worked out how to remove it I had the solution (see attached). Have tested both OO & MS and they look OK.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Hi there Ron, everyone,
Firstly congratulations - the report is coming along nicely.
I have not ran it for several versions now as I've been concentrating on collecting and correcting my information.
I've just ran the report, now though, and even though I've switched the "Show all place details as an appendix?" and "Show all source details as an appendix?" to "no" I still get the following generated:
The child of this family is:- 1. Larry Pieter DE BUYS 3.1The Huys and Peter next married Joan Susan Wilhelmina PREHN on April 16th, 1973 in Bellville in a religious ceremony. B.2 Joan was born on March 9th, 1940 B.3.
Now, although I'd prefer to remove all the superscripts (ie remove them totally) the appendixes are still being generated...
How can I switch these off?
BTW: I used MS Word when generating and I'm on GenoPro
Tony De Buys
PATERNAL LINE: Surname: Du Bus/Du Buis/De Buys (current) Origin: Pas-De-Calais, France Current Location: Cape Town, South Africa Arrival date: 27 April 1688 on the Oosterland
MATERNAL LINE: Surname: Doggeson, Dodgshon, Dobson, Dudson, Dodgson (current) Origin: Tadcaster/Pontefract, Yorkshire, United Kingdom Current Location: South Africa Arrival date: 29 January 1962 on the Sterling Castle
Edited: Monday, March 31, 2008 by
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My testing shows that the options to suppress the Places and Sources summaries work ok (but see below). Please note that having changed any option in the dialog, you must click the 'OK' button at the end of the dialog to register your changes.The 'B.n' style superscripts are references to Sources in an Appendix. Places are not referenced in this way. However there is a bug here. If you turn off the Sources Appendix via config param the superscripted references remain. I have a fix for this that should be available shortly, once I have checked some other issues. I will also look at providing an option to suppress the superscripted forward references for people in the main body of the report. I thought this reference was useful when reading such a report to be able to locate the main narrative of say a child without referring to the index at the end.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Hi there,
Using the options dialog and clicking ok as suggested does not fix the problem on my machine.
I tested both Word and OpenOffice on a second computer and could not reproduce the problem. I have to, at this point, assume that it's got to do with the installations on that particular machine.
PATERNAL LINE: Surname: Du Bus/Du Buis/De Buys (current) Origin: Pas-De-Calais, France Current Location: Cape Town, South Africa Arrival date: 27 April 1688 on the Oosterland
MATERNAL LINE: Surname: Doggeson, Dodgshon, Dobson, Dudson, Dodgson (current) Origin: Tadcaster/Pontefract, Yorkshire, United Kingdom Current Location: South Africa Arrival date: 29 January 1962 on the Sterling Castle
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Time to dip my toes into the water again and post yet another update to the Descendants report.I have fixed the superscript source reference when no Sources appendix is required. Have also added config param ShowReferenceSuffix that if set to N with supress the superscript forward refences for individuals. Other changes are facilty to hold Custom Tag layout phrases and 'Narrative Style' phrases within Document custom tags instead of in the Dictionary. 'Narrative Style' phrases provide alternatives to Education, Occupation and Union phrases in the report. Note that if dual/multiple language forms are used then the delimiters {?...........} must be replaced by {¿........¿} e.g. {¿EN:English¿}{¿FR:Anglais¿} as the the string {? may occur within the phrase generator text. Both delimiter formats can be used elsewhere.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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Descendantsа, and MS Word.
Probably, if possible, it will be better to move the second text column a bit lower (Name Index).

Edited: Thursday, April 10, 2008 by
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To EDilena: (About Descendants Report EDilena) OpenOffice with picture: Generating report on descendants of James Potter Error at line 61, position 18 (Code/Descendants.js) Error of the execution Microsoft JScript 800A01B6 OpenOffice without picture: Generating report on descendants of James Potter Error at line 89, position 4 (Code/Descendants.js) Error of the execution Microsoft JScript 800A01B6 MS Word with picture: Generating report on descendants of James Potter Error at line 281, position 6 (Code/MSWriter.js)… Microsoft Word 800A1420 MS Word without picture: Generating report on descendants of James Potter Generated and written 9 (???) pages in 18.594 seconds average performance of 0.48 pages per second... [18.59] Report Ready!... MS Word with picture: (If select ‘Show Appendix with Individual Pictures ?’ – NO) Generating report on descendants of James Potter Generated and written 13 (???) pages in 15.250 seconds average performance of 0.85 pages per second... [15.25] Report Ready!...Descendants report (by Ron) MS Word: Generating report on descendants of James Potter Generated and written 3 (!!!) pages in 10.094 seconds average performance of 0.30 pages per second... [10.12] Report Ready!...