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I am interested in the same topic: * What is happening with current GenoPro development? * Why there have been no releases since 2007? The archives have not been updated, newsletters keep silence.
If the project is stopped, the customers should know about this, right?
The community is waiting for the official announcement from the side of GenoPro team.
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Customers GenoPro version:
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Is there a published roadmap of what features the new version is working towards?
I for one have been asking for better auto arrange for a few years.
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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Robert, slightly off topic, but please satisfy my curiosity. Why do you use the Autoarrange feature? I continue to be surprised that so many people request improvements to this when there are far more important issues to be tackled. I have now set up a number of trees, have assisted others in developing theirs and have never used it. It is easy to set up your tree without it and you end up with what is visually appealing to you not how someone else thinks it should look.Regarding your point in wanting to see a road map, I have also requested a Development Plan in the past but, as far as I am aware, non has ever been posted. Bob.
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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I also congratulate you on finding someone special in your life, I also same age as you Daniel, with similar circumstances and thought I did meet someone special last year but was not to be.
Now from one developer to another developer, the GenoPro project has become 'very big' in my eyes, it is to me one of the more 'nicer' setups for charting your tree.
If you are getting a good return on this and you 'do not' have time to spend on the code, then to me you got options as I had started considering moving on.
1: Sell your source code to a company to keep the project going, your terms and money from the project will possibly be very nice. 2: Release it under some kind of GNU license, where you share the programming with a group of public programmers, this would then free you from the commitments but you would end up 'leading' the project.
It's your call, but I would say GenoPro is pretty much complete project however to keep it with other developing systems offline/online, then you need to keep at it.
It was only yesterday I was reading an article about Duke Nukem 3D being one of the most successful games of yesterday, however the developers didn't have any direction and they just relaxed, slowly developed and tweaked until the game was the only thing they had done, the follow up never made a release as they could not finalise it, they couldn't keep up with technology and kept re-investing. Interesting reading http://www.wired.com/magazine/2009/12/fail_duke_nukem so will Windows be still around when you get back to the development :
Good luck Dave Rowland
Customers GenoPro version:
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bogistad (1/6/2010) Robert, slightly off topic, but please satisfy my curiosity. Why do you use the Autoarrange feature? I continue to be surprised that so many people request improvements to this when there are far more important issues to be tackled. I have now set up a number of trees, have assisted others in developing theirsand have never used it. It is easy to set up your tree without it and you end up with what is visually appealing to you not how someone else thinksit should look.
Regarding your point in wanting to see a road map, I have also requested a Development Plan in the past but, as far as I am aware, non has ever been posted.
the visual aspect is what drew me to genopro in the first place. I can't speak to how everyone uses the program but the map is how i enter nearly all of my data using the map.
Lets face it other programs are a dime a dozen (gramps etc) that i can enter forums and the data will be just teh same but there is something about looking at the tree that i think is personally satisfying and also helps spot errors.
I also find the web reports to be very 1990's in the look and feel but every time i drag out the map then i get the groups of people coming over and asking whos who.
for those of you who are interested i also wrote a program to convert gedcom files to a format that a program called graphviz can read and do auto layouts.
my program is still very "beta" but it works most of the time.
back on topic
I'm not exactly feeling the love from the genopro staff in terms of letting me know whats going on.
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
Last Login: Thursday, June 16, 2016
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While it is great that we got a reply after so long a silence, it really didn't answer much in the way of the status.What features are being worked on? What is the percentage complete of said features? What are the future plans for Genopro, if any? I don't think these questions are too much to ask, especially since many of Genopro's users are avid fans and would love nothing more than to introduce new users to the software. However, it is hard to 'feel good' about recommending something when that something's future is very much unknown, despite many requests for more information. It just makes me sad because I love the program so much and have spent literally hundreds of hours making my (quite large) chart look very beautiful and interesting. Patch
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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We have been working on a collaboration module, to allow people to simultaneously edit a genealogy tree over the Intenet. This weekend I have been working 15 hours each day. I am almost ready to release a test version of the collaboration.
The collaboration module also handle pictures, so you can send pictures along with the family tree. Oh, GenoPro can also display pictures in the family tree.
Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Tuesday, December 10, 2019
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Will be new GenoPro able to display more data simultaneously?For instance: Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Place of Birth Date of Marriage, Place of Marriage, Date of Death, Cause of Death, Place of Death, Place of burial I think it would be great, that we could display more data (at same time) on genogram. I personally really miss this option  P.s. When can we expect new GenoPro?
Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Saturday, June 15, 2019
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totally agree with the above posting. It is really annoying to push the data, I want to see in the genomap, into custom tags and display them.
It would be very helpful, if it is possible to define the string which is displayed.