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NPstudent (16-Feb-2021)
I also do not see how to add a miscarriage to the genogram. We seem to have skimmed over this. To mark a Miscarriage, Stillbirth, or an Abortion, you simply create the individual, mark them as " Deceased," and select Miscarriage, Stillbirth, or Abortion as the Cause of Death. Each of those three options will provide a different Genogram symbol for the individual. As far as the main subject of the Thread goes, if I'm not mistaken, the GenoPro team currently is (and has been) developing a redesigned GenoPro, fairly certain more-or-less from scratch. While it's overdue, and I have my doubts if it'll ever be released, I can see from a developer standpoint that making updates, minor or significant, to the old-GenoPro that is publicly released, is a waste of time. Provided the next iteration of GenoPro supports the concept of a Gender and Sexual Orientation Spectrum, I don't see a problem with the public version currently being a little ... cumbersome.
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Hi, How does one change the gender symbol from a square or circle into a diamond? Can you show me where in the menu I can go to do this??? Thanks!
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'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Thanks for the indications... I guess choosing a diamond to tag someone who doesn't identify as a male or a female will do for now. I will ignore for now the tag label for diamond to be a "Pet" though... This is absolutely dreadful. I do hope the next update brings the gender markers to the 21st century! As is, it leaves much to be desired...
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There is the last option of Don't Know. This puts a ? on the display. This is a good description of Don't Know but may not be suitable
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And then what?
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You can use a Label to add notes
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Heteroflexibility describes the sexual behavior of someone who identifies as straight but sometimes has sex with people of the same sex. Some research indicates that as much as 15% of the U.S. population identifies as heteroflexible.
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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I understand your concern. When I started writing GenoPro in 1997, yes 26 years ago, I was a full-time student in Computer & Electrical Engineering. GenoPro was a hobby during my "spare" time, and never thought it would become so popular. At that time I there were males and females and some suggested pets to their family trees, so I decided to reuse the same memory bits to designate a pet to honor file compatibility. In retrospect it was a mistake.