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Author including improvement suggestion
Posted Tuesday, August 29, 2006 - Post #12677
Famous Writer

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Ref. b17i.
I posted this topic in the language translation category but this topic is also a suggestion for changing and modifying the sub.
Quote from Util.vbs line 363:
"The text is written in English because it is very rare someone will actually read it".
I do not agree at all about it. Why?
Because I did some searches, on some of my Inds (with Google, MSN/Lycos, Yahoo/AltaVista, Ask) and no one actually found the proper "default.htm" home page link.

Instead I was presented with: the Ind's page, the Ind's son's page, the Ind's grand-daughter's page, the Ind's family page, the toc_individuals page and even with the

toc_pictures page?. Screen example I got:

You can see straight away that the sub is visible. So it's in need of translation. This is my 1st remark.
My 2nd is that I suggest to simplify the sub in removing the links associated with "surname index ..." and "report summary ...", thus only keeping "View the entire gene

report" because, I believe, the aim of the game is to allow a visitor to enter the site, i.e. via the "Default" page straight away. Also because, if you click, say, on Surname

Index, the Surname Index comes up (still full screen) but if you click again on the Surname index of the new page, a new window open which is not very efficient.

Proposed modified neater screen:

My 3rd remark is to remove all these extra "Fam Tree Soft", "Soft to Create Pedigree Charts", "View a Fam Tree from Gedcom File", "Ancestry Fam Tree", "gene research",

... and, instead, to simply provide as shown above the Genopro logo. Up to Genopro to improve the Genopro link site Main page, if required.
Unless I miss something, my 3 remarks will actually simplify the sub routine as no need anymore for the parameters "s", "k" and "o". I modified and changed the codes in

Util.vbs and the Sub is now reduced to:

Sub WriteHtmlFramesetSafeguard
 Dim strNameHeritage
 strNameHeritage = """" & Session("Title") & """"
 Report.WriteLn "<div id='divFrameset' class='hide'> <hr /><p class='aligncenter'><br />"
 Report.WriteFormattedBr "{}<b><a target='_top' href='default.htm'>{}</a></b>{}{&t}{}", Dic("PhFrameset1"), Dic("PhFrameset2"), Dic("ConjunctionOf"),

strNameHeritage, Dic("PhFrameset3")
 Report.WriteFormattedLn "<br /><hr /><p align='center'><small>© 2006 GenoPro Inc. All Rights Reserved.</small></p>"
 Report.WriteFormattedBr "<p align='center'><a target='_blank' href=''><img src='images/genopro.logo.gif' title='{}' border='0'

width='36' height='36'></a></p></div>", Dic("AltGenoTree")
End Sub
with the required associated additional entries in the Dic, for translation purpose:
 <PhFrameset1 T= " This page is within a frameset. View" />
 <PhFrameset2 T= "&#32;the entire genealogy report" />
 <PhFrameset3 T= "&#32;for additional information." />
 <ConjunctionOf T="&#32;of&#32;" />
 <AltGenoTree T="Create Your Family Tree in Minutes!" />

Up to Genopro, of course, to improve/test the codes and change the "PhPhrase" names, if required.
I also did a search, within the files, where the Sub is called from and found the following with my suggested comments:
1) Util.vbs
- lines 367/391 (modify as above)
- 393/395 (delete this FrameSafeguard)
2) contacts.htm
- 44 change to: <%[ WriteHtmlFramesetSafeguard ]%>
3) family.htm
- 44 change to: WriteHtmlFramesetSafeguard
4) home.htm
- 105 same as 2)
5) individual.htm
- 107 same as 3)
6) place.htm
- 45 same as 2)
7) places.htm
- 59 same as 2)
8) popup.htm
- 18 (to remove existing & to provide same as 2)
9) source.htm
- 54 same as 2)
10) sources.htm
- 59 same as 2)
11) toc_contacts
- 48 same as 2)
12) toc_families.htm
- 92 same as 2)
13) toc_genomaps.htm
- 80 same as 2)
14) toc_individuals.htm
- 52 same as 2)
15) toc_names.htm
- 68 same as 2)
16) toc_pictures.htm
- 107 same as 3)
17) toc_places.htm
- 49 same as 2)
18) toc_sources.htm
- 48 same as 2)
19) toc_tree.htm
- 92 same as 2)

Thank you.

Posted Tuesday, August 29, 2006 - Post #12678
Legendary Master

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You are right on both points: 1) the text should be translated, and 2) it is neater to have a link to default.htm.  The idea of having multiple links is for search engine optimizations.  If a page has no links to it, it is considered by search engines as not important.  In my opinion, the pages toc_individuals.htm and home.htm are very important, so I added links at the bottom.  For sure, the user wants to see the whole report; not just a frame within a frameset.
Posted Tuesday, August 29, 2006 - Post #12681
Famous Writer

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Ok I understand. Why don't you then provide such data as of a "hidden" class or some kind of Metadata?

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