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I expected a field for migrations that would show up in the report. In my trees, migrations are very important (especially Europe to America, and America to Israel) and I have to write it out in the comment field.What do other users think? Uri
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Future releases of GenoPro will support Events which will include migration. Events will be a big thing because there is a wide variety of events (accident, surgery, moving/migration, major purchase, bankruptcy, etc). Also, Events will allow to group/include multiple individuals. Often an event involves several individuals.Suggestions are welcome.
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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Here are some suggestions for MIGRATION sub-fields (as I use today under my custom's tags):source start date end date reason (why) place1 (from) place2 (via) place3 (to) by comment (obs) transportation (ship details) personal status at arriving When starting dealing with the aspect of MULTIPLE events (incl.migrations) you should take into consideration the fact that "some" of your users do already have such fields under their custom's tags; therefore you should provide them with a conversion tool. For example, let them copy every already existent field of them to the correspondent new one (appearing under a specific EVENT).
additional email: finkea@mail.biu.ac.il ARIGATO-GOZAIMASU(jp) DAKUJEM(sk) DANKE(d) EVHARISTIES(gr) GRAZIE(it) MERCI(f) MULTUMESC(ro) SPASIVA(ru) THANKS(gb) THODAH(il)
Edited: Tuesday, December 5, 2006 by
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I would like to see census record appearances added as an event.
Forum Members GenoPro version: FTPClient1
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In a migration tab, coulnd't there be a "Traveled with" option and have a text field. For all the mentionable people traveling with the ind.
Last Login: Saturday, June 7, 2008
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place1 (from)
place2 (via)
place3 (to)
I don't think there should be a general scheme from-via-to. What if it was just a usual household movement from one city to another? then there is no "via". And if it was kind of resettlement over half the world's distance, then one 'via'-field is not enough. In a big movement, you would generally prefer to split it up into multiple from-to migration events. From Moscow to Amsterdam, from Amsterdam to New York, from New York to .... wherever.
Edited: Friday, June 6, 2008 by
Sven Siegmund
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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One solution is having dialog where the user could add as many places to designate a Migration Path - somewhat similar as when you use a computer to find directions. Then the user could assign the Migration Path to anyone who migrated.
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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