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Hello, I have been "playing" with GenoPro for 24 hrs. now, my previous package was "REUNION" from 1997... WOW what a difference! So far I see no reason not to purchase GenoPro.Here a few suggestions in no particular order. Forgive me if they have been covered before. 1) Do not show the file name under the picture in the HTML report 2) Give option to display Google Map in full frame, like the family tree diagram 3) Option to display "Family Index" collapsed, last names only or alphabet A-Z 4) When entering data capitalize first letter automatically 5) When in table layout mode, open properties on mouse double-click 6) Enable autosave mode every xx minutes. I lost about 20 entries when system hung 7) Add time and weight fields for birth dates If any of these options already exist I have not found them. Liam in Canada
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231081 (12/29/2006) 4) When entering data capitalize first letter automaticallyWhat about common nouns (not proper ones) ? e.g.: Occupations, institutions, etc. shouldn't automatically receive capital first letters ! 231081 (12/29/2006) 6) Enable autosave mode every xx minutes. I lost about 20 entries when system hungOptional only !
additional email: finkea@mail.biu.ac.il ARIGATO-GOZAIMASU(jp) DAKUJEM(sk) DANKE(d) EVHARISTIES(gr) GRAZIE(it) MERCI(f) MULTUMESC(ro) SPASIVA(ru) THANKS(gb) THODAH(il)
Edited: Saturday, December 30, 2006 by
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231081 (12/29/2006) 1) Do not show the file name under the picturein the HTML report
Firstly the field is the 'Name' field of the Picture object and can be used to provide a title for each picture. By default GenoPro enters the filename in this field but you can replace it with text of your own. You can remove the 'file name' by generating a custom skin add setting the parameter fHidePictureName="Y"
231081 (12/29/2006) 2) Give option to display Google Map in full frame, like the family tree diagram
This is currently under development and I have a working prototype that does just that. There will be other improvements in the use of Google Maps, including a map showing all geocoded places in the report together with their assocuated events.
231081 (12/29/2006) 7) Add time and weight fields for birth dates
These can easily be handled using Custom Tags. You can create your own custom phrases for the report (see Dictionary.xml for more details) or by default the report will show custom tags in a table view.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Forum Members GenoPro version:
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Ron, thank you for your quick and concise reply.| 1) Do not show the file name under the picture in the HTML report | 7) Add time and weight fields for birth dates Whenever possible I try to avoid "custom" as "in custom tags" in any software. A check box (similar to those in the security tab while generating reports) to enable/disable such options would be better preserved in case of future updates, software re-install etc. Lian
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I finally registered to-day. . . one more suggestion for the back burner.I have a lot of entries for ancestors going back to the early 1800, but without birth/death dates. Is it possible to automatically mark these as deceased? Say by identifying them in the ancestory chart. Since they have no birth date I cannot easily sort to identify them.
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If you select a group - there are many ways to do this - and press the X key they are all marked as dead
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I have not worked with Genopro for 3 years and recently started again. I was wondering what happen with the suggestion of the auto-saving option. I don't see it in the program so will this be coming in the near futur?
Customers Gamma GenoPro version:
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An auto-save feature would be great, as long as we can turn it on and off with a checkbox somewhere; believe it or not, there are times when I don't want everything automatically saved.
I would also like to see some additional selection options in the "select ancestors/descendants" category. It would be really nice to be able to select the male-line ancestry and the female-line ancestry separately, for a number of reasons. I can see it being very useful for tracking genetics (X and Y chromosome inheritance lines), for example, and given the big-picture plans for GenoPro (yes, I watched the video; I'm very interested in seeing how it all comes together), this is a must-have feature.
Edit: On a related note, can the creators explain why "select ancestor tree" and "select descendant tree" work the way they do in GenoPro 2011? Many thanks.
GenoPro: Best. Genealogy. Software. Ever.
Edited: Sunday, November 1, 2015 by
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For those using GenoShare, the collaboration module of GenoProX, the family will be automatically saved to a server as the user(s) modify the family tree. The challenge with a traditional auto-save is two copies of the family tree must be saved, one is the timer-triggered auto-save and the other copy is when the user explicitly clicks on the save button (or presses Ctrl+S). Then, if GenoPro closes unexpectedly due to a crash, power failure/low battery, then GenoPro must display both options for the user to pick. There is more work to do a proper auto-save than just a timer triggering a push on a save button.
Adding more selection buttons is easy. In the meantime you may use the Table Layout to filter all males and females: you click on the column Gender to group all males and females together, and select only the rows you are interested.