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If the layout in the CutePDF does not agree with the GenoPro setup I get more than 1 page (2 or 3) but in this case the only part of the tree appears and I get only 1 page.I posted this message on Jan 8 but didn't get any respose. Can anybody help?
Edited: Sunday, January 14, 2007 by
Customers Important Contributors FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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Does the layout in the CutePDF agree with the GenoPro setup? You can specify page size & layouts in the print setup for CutePDF, which may not be the setup you specified in GenoPro
Customers GenoPro version:
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The print preview looks ok. just as I want it but when I open the PDF the tree is cut as in the file attached to my previous message. What can be the reason?: :
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Customers GenoPro version:
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I can't find consistency in the error, it just sometimes works and sometimes not.As about my second question about the file being trancated. Here is my definitions and the result: Do you have any suggestions? 
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It is possibly the Margins under Page Setup or could be the Easy Page Clipping or the scale. From what you are saying it seems that some changes are not being automatically saved when entered without some further action. It would be helpful if you could find a consistent error.
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Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Thursday, March 15, 2012
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I installed CutePDF and I can create PDF file for some of my GNO files. I have some problems: I open the "page setup" and mark landscape and then horizontal and vertical pages 1 and click OK. Some times it works fine and sometimes genopro changes it. I can do the same several times until it is saved as I wish. I am doing always the same but sometimes it goes OK and sometimes not. I found out that sometimes I have to define first the "printer setup". why it is not consistence?One more problem is that after I define the page and the printer and print I get the PDF file but the family tree is truncated, and not because the page is too small (when it is too small the program divides it to 2 or more pages) there is a lot of free space on the page. What am I doing wrong?