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GenoPro Support Forum

Posted Sunday, December 31, 2006 - Post #15512
Junior Member

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Last Login: Thursday, March 15, 2012
Posts: 10, Visits: 6
I installed CutePDF and I can create PDF file for some of my GNO files. I have some problems: I open the "page setup" and mark landscape and then horizontal and vertical pages 1 and click OK. Some times it works fine and sometimes genopro changes it. I can do the same several times until it is saved as I wish. I am doing always the same but sometimes it goes OK and sometimes not. I found out that sometimes I have to define first the "printer setup". why it is not consistence?

One more problem is that after I define the page and the printer and print I get the PDF file but the family tree is truncated, and not because the page is too small (when it is too small the program divides it to 2 or more pages) there is a lot of free space on the page. What am I doing wrong?

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