Yes I had this box unchecked.I have just tried uploading the report again.
It uploaded 7 photos this time (instead of uploading only 2 out of 507 previously) then got stuck and displayed this error message:
Publishing report to
Connecting to server
Cloning document Ralph Ballard Family Tree.v1x.v1x.v1x...
Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin 'English Narrative Report'...
Validating picture cache...
Loading dictionary.xml...
[0.00] Processing template 'init.htm'...
[0.93] Processing template 'index.html'...
[0.98] Processing template 'default.htm'...
[1.04] Processing template 'toc_individuals.htm'...
[1.45] Processing template 'toc_families.htm'...
[1.64] Processing template 'toc_pictures.htm'...
[1.94] Processing template 'toc_contacts.htm'...
[2.06] Processing template 'toc_places.htm'...
[2.14] Processing template 'toc_sources.htm'...
[2.20] Processing template 'toc_names.htm'...
[2.27] Processing template 'genomap.svg'...
[10.79] Processing template 'genomap.htm'...
[10.85] Processing template 'toc_genomaps.htm'...
[10.90] Processing template 'home.htm'...
[10.95] Processing template 'heading.htm'...
[10.99] Processing template 'style.css'...
[11.05] Processing template 'individual.htm'...
[26.33] Processing template 'family.htm'...
[32.50] Processing template 'picture.htm'...
[44.21] Processing template 'contacts.htm'...
[44.29] Processing template 'places.htm'...
[44.38] Processing template 'pictures.htm'...
[45.67] Processing template 'popup.htm'...
[45.74] Processing template 'sources.htm'...
Generated 1057 pages (1057 pages unchanged) in 45.816 seconds
average performance of 23.07 pages per second
[45.82] Writing extra file 'FamilyTree.xml'...
[46.06] Writing extra file 'FamilyTree.gno'...
[46.37] Writing extra file 'FamilyTree.ged'...
[46.65] Writing files from skin...
[49.13] Writing pictures to report (509)...
[85.67] Unable to write file ''.
Unable get HTTP response info (error 12019:0)
[89.84] Report Ready! Click on the "Close" button to continue.
Could some of the photos be too big and need reducing in size? If so I can get on with this with Irfan Viewer.
Thanks, Ralph