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I am posting this in a under a new topic as it is no longer a sugggestion or wish list item and the old post was getting a little cluttered. Summary. The attached files add an Individual, Family and GenoMap Timelines feature to the English Narrative Report. To use it, create an empty GenoPro customized skin folder e.g. Customized English Narrative Report with Timelines, and unpack the contents of the attached zip file into it. Then generate a report using this custom skin. Usage Notes. - Config.xml contains a number of new parameters used to customise the Timeline:
Timelines="Y" set this to "N" if you do not want Timelines to appear in your report TimelineMinEventsIndividual="2" Mimimum no. of events before a Timeline is produced for a particular individual. TimelineMinEventsFamily="2" Mimimum no. of events before a Timeline is produced for a particular family. TimelineShowDuration="N" Whether or not 'duration' bars are displayed initially. (Can be toggeld on and off in Report) TimelineContemporary="Y" Whether or not 'duration' bars are to be displayed for events that are still current. These parameters can of course either be changed in Config.xml or set using GenoPro Document Custom Tags. - Dictionary.xml contains settings for the colours of the text and bars in the Timelines and can be changed if required. Not that the (hexadecimal) RGB color values should be used. Note also that when used for a duration bar, a 20% opacity value is applied to the colour. The Timeline widget also allows other aspects of the theme to be changed but this has not been implemented here.
- The GenoMap timelines initially display a 'note' event giving details of how the navigate the timeline. You can also pan the Timeline by clciking the mouse wheel and dragging or by double clicking at the ends of the visible Timeline area when hand cursor is displayed.
- Information bubble/balloons are not displayed on the Individual & Family Timelines because most of the information is already available on the same page.
- The Simile Timeline Javascripts are now included in the custom skin and will be copioes into the report location rather than being dynamically downloaded from the MIT site when the report is viewed. This is because the scripts have been amended to permit coloured duration bars and will also isolate the generated Report from changes & availability of the MIT site.
Update VI: 14/4/07 Version posted
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Saturday, April 14, 2007 by
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Hi Ron, fabulous job!
A small thing to polish: if an individual has death date filled only, then the timeline element looks like BÓTA, Gáspárd. 18781878 (no space between the name and d., double date). This appears in the popup title as well - the full text in the popup is OK.
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Ron (4/2/2007) Summary. The attached files add an Individual, Family and GenoMap Timelines feature to the English Narrative Report. To use it, create a new Customized English Narrative skin using GenoPro 2007 version and unpack the contents of the attached zip file into it. This will replace some files and create some new ones. Then generate a report using this custom skin. Hi Ron, I did exactly as you said with the Customized English Narrative skin I had made a few days ago with version but got this error. ?
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Hi Ron,I got the following error when I try to open a timeline from the timeline index 
Line: 2 Char: 1 Error: invalid character Code:0 URL: file://c:\Report\Timeline.htm Line: 1228 Char: 2 Error: 'tl' is null or not an object Code:0 URL: file://c:\Report\Timeline.htm In the person or family pages it works fine until zoom in or out, or toogle timeline duration bars, or refresh the page. ... got the same error. Thanks Hugo PS. The new feature are excellent! regards!
Edited: Monday, April 2, 2007 by
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Yes I forgot to test this latest version with IE! Firefox however works fine without complaint. I'll investigate - but meanwhile try Mozilla Firefox!Update: This error is extremely frustrating. The line number and filename given in the error message seem to be a complete red herring - oh Microsoft why do you do this! And the only decent Javascript debugger, VenkMan, is for Mozilla Firefox only so is not much use here!
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Monday, April 2, 2007 by
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I had also problems with firefox, the cure was: Refresh
Edited: Monday, April 2, 2007 by
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Sorry, i´m spanish and my english is not good.1) When i press the button "toggle timeline duration bar on/off" some individuals disappear. 2) When i edit the config.xml and set TimelineShowDuration="Y" i got this error: "Caught exception : SyntaxError : missing : after property id." (With FireFox), "Caught exception [Object error]" with IE6. PD: Congratulations Ron, this software is the great. Thanks
Edited: Tuesday, April 3, 2007 by
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Welcome to the forum EDilina and your English seems perfectly fine to me, certainly much better than my Spanish. Thanks for the report.I've corrected the TimelineShowDuration issue and also managed to get it working with IE. So should now be useable with FF 1.5 & 2, IE 6 & 7. See revised attachment, version 2.0.03i, to my 1st post in this thread. There is a bug in the Timeline API such that if the timeline area has a vertical scroll bar then the information bubbles/balloons are misplaced when the timeline has been scrolled vertically. Also, IE7, poor thing, gets a bit confused with the vertical scroll bar and decides to add one to the frame as well as a completely useless one for the timeline because It spills the timeline out of its containing box. Could you please provide more info on the 'disappearing' individuals. ¿What attributes do they have in common, start date end date, etc.? ¿Do they really disappear or just yet repainted in a different position?
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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"¿What attributes do they have in common, start date end date, etc.? ¿Do they really disappear or just yet repainted in a different position? "Ej: Duration bar off : All data 
Ej: Duration bar on Common data : All individuals are dead and end unions.
Edited: Wednesday, April 4, 2007 by
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Please set TimelineContemporary="Y" Whether or not 'duration' bars are to be displayed for events that are still current.