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I know of a problem when there is a vertical scroll bar for the timeline. The information bubble does not seem to take account of the scroll position and places the bubble where it would have been had there been no scroll bar. This is an issue with the Javascript from MIT. Unfortunately there is no maintenance activity on this code and no response to queries I have posted on their forum in the past. This is one reason why I have included the code within the GenoPro skin rather than loading it dynamically from their site, which is what happens with the other 'widget' used, Google Maps API.I will review their code to see if I can find a solution.
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Great job Ron. Thanks a lot for a timeline gift !
I've a small trouble with it. I've 488 individuals. When you have more than 10 individuals for genomap, and when you roll-down in a timeline tab, the information about individuals appeared to much down (i think proporcionally to the number of individuales)
Thanks !
Edited: Friday, May 11, 2007 by
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Hi Ron,Thanks for the timeline feature. It is great! A single suggestion: For Occupations, please display the name of the company instead of the position name. It will be more informative and will use the same rule used for Education, where the name of the institution is displayed. Carlos
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Fabulous job Ron, I made a small test report with your skin "as is" and it was perfect even with IE.6.  I will make a copy and personalise it with djvu etc and see how it goes tomorrow.
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Excellent end result Ron. I think that anybody wanting to print the report would like the 'help' tip removed. You have not as yet updated the config file with paramater descriptions. This visual presentation is very valauable to all Genopro users, and brings genopro's stored information to life on the screen.
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I have now posted an updated skin,, as an attachment to the first post of this thread. This is a Full Skin unlike the earlier partial skins so can be unzipped into its own skin folder. It also includes all skin corrections since and an enhancement for including html in Description, Comment & Custom Tags and is a 'Release Candidate' for GenoPro If after a few days no show stopper bugs are found I'll ask Dan to include it in GenoPro.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Ron (4/7/2007)I also have a fix for the IE6 issue but I am doing some tidying up before releasing another version. My thanks to all the patient testers who have helped in debugging this. Sorry to have been a pain about this problem as I seem to be almost the only one with IE6 I look forward to seeing your solution and am wondering what other amazing ideas will be coming out of the woodwork in the future ! The Timeline and djvu were quite unexpected for me but greatly appreciated and I am thinking of other possible uses for the djvu. Keep up the good work : and Thanks
Edited: Saturday, April 7, 2007 by
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maru-san (4/4/2007)
[16.34] Processing template 'timeline.htm'... [16.48] Processing template 'timeline.json'... Error at line 981 (Code/Util.vbs) : Invalid procedure call or argument: '[string: "(null)"]' Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800A0005 This original problem seems to be a quirk in the Report Generator with the IsDead property in the line ElseIf Not oType.Parents(1).IsDead Then
I expect .IsDead to give a Boolean value of True or False but on this occasion it appears to return a null string. Changing the line to ElseIf Not oType.Parents(1).IsDead = True Then
| seems to fix it because any String value is always 'false'.I also have a fix for the IE6 issue but I am doing some tidying up before releasing another version. My thanks to all the patient testers who have helped in debugging this. P.S. The error occurs when a family has only one parent defined and that parent is dead. An attempt to access the 'IsDead' property of the non-existent parent causes a null string to be returned.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Saturday, April 7, 2007 by
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I installed Firefox and tried my test report again and of course it worked ! So the problem seems to only trouble those using IE.6 This problem only seems to apply to the main timeline charts as the individual and family ones are fine.
Edited: Friday, April 6, 2007 by
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There were no custom tags as mentioned by you, Ron. Made a report from each 62 genomaps in this file to find the culprit. Two gave me problems. Removed those from the file and the report came out ok. Tried to make a report from those 2 bad genomaps (new file), the message is now as follows:
[0.88] Processing template 'timeline.json'... Error at line 933 (Code/Util.vbs) : Type mismatch: 'DateValue' Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800A000D
Hope this will help.