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how to include illegitimate child - also add custom medical and other...

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Posted Wednesday, July 18, 2012 - Post #30412
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1113594 (08-Jul-2012)
How do I add medical conditions, such as drug addiction
1116382 (18-Jul-2012)
Can I add my own type of relationship. I want to add 2, 'parental responsibility' and 'guardian of'?

I am new to this tool (yesterday) so be apologies if I am missing the obvious!

You cannot add new types of relationship, however you can rename existing relationships for your own purposes by creating a custom translation of GenoPro. E.g. chnage the 'babysitter' Social Connection type to 'Parental responsibility for'.  See New descriptions for symbols on medical genogram for details.  

But note if you are running Vista or Windows 7 then the file and folder mentioned do not appear in the GenoPro Program Files folder but instead get created in the 'virtualstore' of your user profile area
e.g. C:\Users\your windows username\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\GenoPro\Lang\AB.xml

Note also if you want these new descriptions to appear in reports then you will need to amend enumerations and associated phrases in Dictionary.xml as well.

p.s. I have changed the title of this post as the subject matter has wandered away from the original topic.  Perhaps we should close topics once the question has been answered to prevent this happening.  

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Wednesday, July 18, 2012 - Post #30408
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1116382 (18-Jul-2012)
Can I add my own type of relationship. I want to add 2, 'parental responsibility' and 'guardian of'?

I am new to this tool (yesterday) so be apologies if I am missing the obvious!

You can also create a 'Social Relationship' between two individuals  (select the 1st and press the R key, then drag line with mouse to 2nd individual).  Set the type to 'Other' and add notes in Comment box to describe the relationship.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Wednesday, July 18, 2012 - Post #30396
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At the moment there are only 4 classes of parental link, which is a limitation. One option is to change the default line type to indicate the link is different (colour or style). You can also text in the comment box, and this does appear in the tool tip. You can add a text label over the line (or near it) but this is not attached and if you move the person the text stays in the original position
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2012 - Post #30394
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Can I add my own type of relationship. I want to add 2, 'parental responsibility' and 'guardian of'?

I am new to this tool (yesterday) so be apologies if I am missing the obvious!
Posted Sunday, July 8, 2012 - Post #30348
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Posted Sunday, July 8, 2012 - Post #30347
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How do I add medical conditions, such as drug addiction
Posted Sunday, February 1, 2009 - Post #23529
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thanks so much, it worked for me!Smile
Posted Saturday, January 31, 2009 - Post #23528
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If a mother out of her existing family had another child from a different person, highlight the mother, click the letter "F" on the keyboard and enter the father and the new child into the family window wizard.
Once you have done so, go the the family tab of the mother and correct/adjust the order of the relation(who is 1st, 2nd). Set the relation in the pedigree link between these two persons by double clicking the line and selecting the relation they had.
Posted Saturday, January 31, 2009 - Post #23527
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This didn't work for me.  I can't figure this out.  When I add a child (long before her marriage, with another father) to a woman who is married and have children, it assumes her current husband is the father.  It pops that child right under the current marriage with her current children.  I need help!
Posted Tuesday, April 3, 2007 - Post #17233
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Add the child to the mother in the normal way. This will create a father icon, who can be named if known. The important thing is to then select the horizontal family line and select 'Properties'. The second box on the first menu is labeled 'Relation'. Open this and choose the appropriate line style to describe the relation of the parents.
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