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Posted Thursday, April 19, 2007 - Post #17400
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En el tag : "<FmtDateNarrative><FmtYM>" al querer traducirlo al español quiero poner lo siguiente:

<FmtYM>[en el mes de] MMMM [de] yyyy</FmtYM>
No funciona !

El tag <FmtYMD>el D [de] MMMM [del año] yyyy<FmtYMD>
Funciona Ok!

Como hago para insertar las palabras que contegan la letra "d" como parte de una oracion??

Lo curioso es que en el tag FmtYMD funciona bien.
Estoy poniendo algo mal??

Ejemplo :
Date : 17/04/1973 -> "el 17 de Abril del año 1973" -> OK!
Date : 04/1973 -> "en el mes e Abrilel año] 1973" -> Sad
Date : 17/04 -> "el dia 17 de Abril" -> OK!

Edited: Thursday, April 19, 2007 by EDilena
Posted Thursday, April 19, 2007 - Post #17401
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EDilena (4/19/2007)
En el tag : "<FmtDateNarrative><FmtYM>" al querer traducirlo al español quiero poner lo siguiente:

<FmtYM>[en el mes de] MMMM [de] yyyy</FmtYM>
No funciona !

El tag <FmtYMD>el D [de] MMMM [del año] yyyy<FmtYMD>
Funciona Ok!

Como hago para insertar las palabras que contegan la letra "d" como parte de una oracion??

Lo curioso es que en el tag FmtYMD funciona bien.
Estoy poniendo algo mal??

Ejemplo :
Date : 17/04/1973 -> "el 17 de Abril del año 1973" -> OK!
Date : 04/1973 -> "en el mes e Abrilel año] 1973" -> Sad
Date : 17/04 -> "el dia 17 de Abril" -> OK!


You can use quotation marks: pe.
<FmtYM>[en el mes de] MMMM "de" yyyy</FmtYM>


Posted Thursday, April 19, 2007 - Post #17403
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No funciona. Da una frase vacia.

Para mi el problema es interno en el programa al usar este tag, ya que una fecha que contenga dia mes y año funciona correctamente.

Edited: Thursday, April 19, 2007 by EDilena

Posted Friday, April 20, 2007 - Post #17436
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Hi Edilena,

Yes, there is a problem with the translation of the tag (I didn't notice it before becuse in the translation I did, the whole prhase simply disappear), there is currently noway to add the letter "d" for translation in  <FmtDateNarrative>
        <FmtYM>&#32;[in|about|before|after] MMMM yyyy</FmtYM> <!-- He was born in January 2006 -->

maybe Ron can help us with this issue. 

PS. EDilena, May I suggest you to use English on the elaboration of your questions. By this way, the users who do not speak Spanish (and also the the support team) could understand the question.


Posted Friday, April 20, 2007 - Post #17438
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Hi Ron,

Is there any way to use the letter "d" in the tag <FmtYM>  of the <FmtDateNarrative> secction?, as EDilena noticed, in the other tags of the same secction its possible by adding quotation marks, but in <FmtYM>  tag it doesn't work.

Here is a sample of the translation:

        <!-- Templates to format narrative dates -->
        <FmtYMD>&#32;[el|aproximadamente el|antes del|después del] D "de" MMMM "de" yyyy</FmtYMD> <!-- He was born on January 31st, 2006 --> OK
        <FmtYM>&#32;[en|más o menos por el mes de|antes del mes de|después del mes de] MMMM "de" yyyy</FmtYM> <!-- He was born in January 2006 --> ERROR
        <FmtY>&#32;[en|más o menos por el año de|antes del año de|después del año de] yyyy</FmtY> <!-- He was born in 2006 --> OK
        <FmtMD>&#32;[el|aprox. el|antes del|después del] D "de" MMMM</FmtMD> <!-- He was born on January 31st --> OK

I also tried with Decimal Character Codes in HTML Unicode, but it doesn't work too,

 Any suggestion??




Posted Saturday, April 21, 2007 - Post #17453
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I want to thank for your interest in translating my problem.
thank you very much

Eduardo Dilena
Posted Saturday, April 21, 2007 - Post #17458
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This appears to be a bug in the GenoPro Report Generator itself, rather than the skin, and so it is somelthing Dan will need to look at.

As you say, you should be able to put any extra text, including the letter d, in quotation marks or apostrophes and indeed this works for FmtYMD and FmtY. The Dictionary contains the comment, from Dan: GenoPro uses the standard date formatting options from the .NET framework. and so I presume the format allowed is as per

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Posted Saturday, May 19, 2007 - Post #17790
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Dan, do you have any idea as to when you might be able to fix this bug in the Report Generator date formatting reported by EDilena?

It would appear that in any Date Format Pharase that involves just Year & Month the GenoPro code removes any occurrence of the letter 'd' from it!

So if I have 

  <FmtYM>[|about |before |after ]MMM yyyy</FmtYM>

I get the report fragment  Bill attended a school full time from about Mar 1895

But if instead I have: 

  <FmtYM>[|around |before |after ]MMM yyyy</FmtYM>

I get the report fragment  Bill attended a school full time from arounMar 1895 i.e. the 'd' in 'around' and the following space has been removed by GenoPro Report Generator.

This effect seems to occur with any 'd' anywhere in the format string.

This bug will obviously effect language translation to French as well as Spanish and perhaps others too.

As well as the letter 'd' in the approximation strings it should also allow 'd' in quoted strings e.g. MMMM "de" yyyy

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Saturday, May 19, 2007 by Ron
Posted Sunday, May 20, 2007 - Post #17798
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You can always insert quotes inside the square brackets [] or within the template.  I did a few tests and here are the results.  I wonder why your 'd' inside the square brackets inserts the day in the date.

[|around |before |after ]MMM yyyy produces around Dec 2006
[|around |before |after ]'MMM' yyyy produces around MMM 2006
[|around |before |after ]"MMM" yyyy produces around MMM 2006
[|around |before |after ]'"'yyyy produces around "2006
[|around |before |after ]"'"yyyy produces around '2006
[|'around' |before |after ]yyyy produces 'around' 2006
[|"around" |before |after ]yyyy produces "around" 2006
[|around |before |after ]yyyy'D' produces around 2006D
[|around |before |after ]yyyy'd' produces around 2006d
[|around |before |after ]yyyy"D" produces around 2006D
[|around |before |after ]yyyy"d" produces around 2006d

Using the following template

[ondD|aboutdD|beforedD|afterdD] MMMM D, yyyy

I got the following

Harry was born ondD July 31st, 1980.

Edited: Sunday, May 20, 2007 by GenoProSupport
Posted Monday, May 21, 2007 - Post #17806
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Sorry, but not work for me.

I have an individual with this date of birthday : 8/1875 (Aug 1875)

With this tag :
<FmtYM>[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyz|around |before |after ]MMM yyyy</FmtYM>

I obtain :
Name was born abcefghijklmnopqrstuwxy Aug 1875.

What happen with the "d" ?

Edited: Monday, May 21, 2007 by EDilena

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