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The ReportGenerator uses StrHtmlHyperlink to create hyperlink (for example the mother's name). My problem is that I can't translate this name into Hebrew with my NameDictionary.xml because the ReportGenerator takes the name internaly. Is there a way the ReportGenerator will create the Hyperlink with an Hebrew text?
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I seem to have overlooked this requirement when implementing the NameDictionary feature in the Narrative Report. I need to recode these routines in Util.vbs to use i.Session("NameFull") , i.e. the translated name. I will do this later today.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Customers Important Contributors Translator GenoPro version:
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Ron (7/17/2007) I seem to have overlooked this requirement when implementing the NameDictionary feature in the Narrative Report. I need to recode these routines in Util.vbs to use i.Session("NameFull") , i.e. the translated name. I will do this later today.Thank you very much!!!  You are doing a great job with the Report Generator utility.
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Attached is a revision of Util.vbs with the amended routines. I believe this fixes the problem and I will include it in the next release. To use it generate a custom skin and replace Util.vbs in the Code folder with this file.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Customers Important Contributors Translator GenoPro version:
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Ron (7/17/2007) Attached is a revision of Util.vbs with the amended routines. I believe this fixes the problem and I will include it in the next release. To use it generate a custom skin and replace Util.vbs in the Code folder with this file. Thanks, Ron. However when I'm trying to use it to generate a report I'm getting an error message that says: Error at line 36 (Code/Util.vbs) : Type mismatch: 'arrGeneralSettings' Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800A000D |
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Sorry that version of Util.vbs was for have attached a version here that should work with a skin as the base.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Ron (7/18/2007)
Sorry that version of Util.vbs was for I have attached a version here that should work with a skin as the base. I'm getting the same error message.
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The error is most likely to be caused by using an earlier version of Init.htm. Is it possible that your custom skin is not based on the skin? I have attached the complete skin with the modified Util.vbs.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Customers Important Contributors Translator GenoPro version:
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Ron (7/18/2007) The error is most likely to be caused by using an earlier version of Init.htm. Is it possible that your custom skin is not based on the skin? I have attached the complete skin with the modified Util.vbs.It looks OK... I need to start over my Hebrew translation... This problem rasies a bigger problem with the additions to the Report Generator in each new version. If I'm creating a skin using skin and the basic skin is changed in design or some of the functions/subs are being modified, I have to either create a new skin (with all the translation work) or modify my code when I don't know all the modifications and changes.
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Yes there have been a large number of changes to the Narrative skin files since GenoPro 2007 but these have been mainly aimed at easing the task of translating the Report. In many cases this can now be achieved by 'merely' translating the Dictionary.xml file. It also has a number of features to allow modification of the Report again without recourse to a custom skin.I am interested to know what changes you are making to the skin for your Hebrew Report. Perhaps I can accommodate your requirements in the standard skin too. Otherwise I can only suggest you use something like WinMerge at folder level to compare two English versions of the Report skin folders side by side to see which files have changed and where and then apply the same changes to your customized skin. Hopefully there will only be minor changes to the Narrative Report scripts from now on, as no major new features are planned.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"