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Ron (7/25/2007)
Looks like I had hold of the wrong end of the stick here. For some reason, I thought you were translating Jacob to Ja'akov, not the other way round, as Jacob is an English name too. But after a script change that should have fixed it, I still could not get it to work . Then I noticed your NameDictionary contained Ja'acov, not Ja'akov as per your posts. So finally attached is an amended Lang.vbs that, fingers crossed, fixes it. Thanks Ron!! You solved the problem you can stop crossing your fingers I'm sorry that I wasn't clear enough describing my problem...
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Looks like I had hold of the wrong end of the stick here. For some reason, I thought you were translating Jacob to Ja'akov, not the other way round, as Jacob is an English name too.But after a script change that should have fixed it, I still could not get it to work . Then I noticed your NameDictionary contained Ja'acov, not Ja'akov as per your posts. So finally attached is an amended Lang.vbs that, fingers crossed, fixes it.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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It is still not working.The name is translated OK into Hebrew in the phBirth paragraph, but it is not translated into Hebrew in the title and in the name list. This problem is unique to the name Ya'akov. Other names are translated OK. Attached is my skin. Add the name Ya'akov in your file and run the skin.
375.88 KB)
Edited: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 by
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You are right, thanks for testing it. The error occurs if you do not have the latest version of MS XML installed (6.0) . This is not necessary for the skin, and I have corrected the skin in my earlier post. Alternatively the updated Init.htm is attached.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Using your attached skin I'm getting the following error message:[0.01] Error: Unable to load an ActiveX control for MS XML Parser. 429:ActiveX component can't create object Error at line 108 (init.htm) : Invalid procedure call or argument: 'CreateObject' Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800A0005
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I am unable to reporduce this error, can you say where in the report it occurs, or perhaps a sample .gno and NameDictionary.xml file? The StrHtmlHyperlink uses Util,.Formatstring to create the hyperlink and the (translated) name is encoded for HTML output using the &t argument qualifier, translating any ' characters to the numeric entity '. This displays correctly in my testing.I did find a couple of places where the translated name is not used, i.e. in a 'References' section and in the 'family with' phrase. I have attached a revised skin that corrects this omission. Update 23 Jul 07: Skin updated
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Monday, July 23, 2007 by
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Ron, I did manage to find a little problem.When the person's name has an ' in it like Ya'akov (Jacob in Hebrew), the name is translated OK in the regular text, but not in the HTML link (I guess it is because of the HTML sentance structure which contains other ' symbol in them)
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Ron (7/20/2007)
I am not sure of the default path for the NameDictionary.xml. I have always used a full path. Also LangNames must be set to a language code, matching that in NameDictionary e.g. EN if you are translating names from English in your .gno file to your skin language of HE (Hebrew). Each part of Individuals names will be translated from the language code in the LangNames parameter to the language code specified in the Language attribute of the the Skin element in the Config.xml file. The NameDictionary elements can have many different language attributes for each name, hence the need to tell the script which one to use. Now its working!!!
Administrators Customers Important Contributors FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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I am not sure of the default path for the NameDictionary.xml. I have always used a full path. Also LangNames must be set to a language code, matching that in NameDictionary e.g. EN if you are translating names from English in your .gno file to your skin language of HE (Hebrew). Each part of Individuals names will be translated from the language code in the LangNames parameter to the language code specified in the Language attribute of the the Skin element in the Config.xml file. The NameDictionary elements can have many different language attributes for each name, hence the need to tell the script which one to use.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Friday, July 20, 2007 by
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Ron (7/20/2007)
Yes, the translation of names is 'automatic' in that no script changes are required. The names and their translation need to be added into a NameDictionary.xml file and then it is necessary to set two Configuration Parameters, LangNames & LangNameDictionary. These can be set via any one of the three methods available, i.e. edit Config.xml in custom skin, create Document Custom Tags with required value or change via the ' Generate Report' dialog window. Well, this is the option I chose. I set the LangNames parameter to "Y" and the LangNameDictionary to "NameDictionary.xml" but the names are still in English and are not translated to the Hebrew name which is in the NameDictionary.xml. What am I doing wrong?