Post update following the proposed Genopro FR lists for translation (Traduire les menus, fenêtres, énumérations and tags), almost everything seems translated.
However, playing around with the FR menus and panels, I noticed some bits and pieces still appearing in EN.
The recap of my findings is summarized below. The list may not be exhaustive but it's quite indicative.
This will allow GenoPro to cross-check the coming additional missing text strings lists.
I suppose the findings are applicable to all languages.
I added, at the end of this posting, a few more "ease of translation" requests for Ron.
I also would like to add an advice to the Users helping on their language translation:
It is important to use the proper terms and/or expressions but don't forget that some texts have to properly fit into the associated Properties panels available space and/or within the length of a button! When you open a panel, if you see your text "truncated", you'll have to go back to the translation list and shorten your input. Perhaps by choosing other shorter words and/or removing any articles or prepositions.
It's what I noticed and did on the FR version.
1) Message Log panel
a. the title
b. Should the messages inside the panel be also translated? Up to GenoPro.
2) Main Icons & Toolbars
Some icon tooltips and associated text in the status bar for:
a. Go back, Go forward, Table layout, Zoom rectangle, Restore zoom rectangle, Invert selection and Center selection.
b. the whole ER toolbar
c. the whole Bookmark toolbar
3) Menus
A- All "system" panels: File Open, Save as, Print setup (the list field names), Print preview, Print, Browse, Color picker, ...
In Control panel, I set up FR as the selected language but no change. I suspect it may require the genuine Win XP FR version to get all in français!
B- File
a. Import File: bits and pieces
b. Export: Some panels (only Privacy tab for the Gene Rep panel)
c. Page setup: the list field names and associated column descriptions
d. Properties: the list field names, tabs names and some tab content field names and text
C- Edit
a. Find: <All genomaps> and <current genomap> in the DDL (DropDownList)
b. Find results: All the Icon tooltips (same as D-a. below?)
D- Table layout
a. All the Icon tooltips
E- Display
a. the text in the status bar for: occupation, employer, comments, contacts (all sub-menus), birth (some sub-menus)
F- Tools
a. Generate report: the whole Privacy tab, the New skin... message (To create a new skin, just copy ...)
b. Tag definitions: the field names and descriptions
c. tag editor: the field names and descriptions
d. Display alphabets: All panel tabs, field names and descriptions
G- Language
a. Pick language: The message (GenoPro is unable to fetch ...) and the text, field names and descriptions in panel
H- Help
a. Tip of the day: Text and buttons in panel
b. About GenoPro: some text in panel: You must register ...
4) Properties Panels
A- In all panels, the word "Properties" in the title
B- Ind panel:
a. in the various DDLs: Pick, edit and new
b. the title and description text of the "Custom tags" and "References" tabs (following a click on the "Edit..." button).
c. the word "Children" on the Fam Tab
C- Fam panel:
a. the text associated with the "Family Line" field
b. the new/Pick/Remove buttons of the Unions tab
c. the word "Children" on the Summary tab
D- Twins panel
a. the whole panel except field names
E- ER panel
a. the text associated with the "Emotional Link" field
F- Social Entities panel
a. the text inside the box (on insertion onto a genomap)
b. the word "Automatic" in the "Border Thk" field DDL
G- Label panel
a. same as F-a. above
H- Places & Loc panel
a. the whole Gene tab
I- Edu panel
a. the whole DDLs associated with the "Edu Level", "Years" and "Achievement" fields (also missing enumerations in the basic enum list)
J- Sources panel
a. the DDL associated with the "Parent Source" field (Pick Parent Source)
5) Miscellaneous
a. Some other hardcoded text and/or messages which I didn't come across yet, if any!!
To Ron now. Just a few things:
1) There is a requirement for _M & _F options for the new PhJT template ph.
In Ind.htm, I changed line 381 from:
Report.WritePhraseDic "PhJT_" & o.Termination.ID, ...
Report.WritePhrase StrDicMFU("PhJT_" & o.Termination.ID, i.Gender.ID), ...
and it seems OK.
2) ER narratives

In this example, the SR (marraine/godmother) is OK but not the 2 ERs. There is a requirement for capitalization.
In Util.vbs, I changed line 693 from:
strPnO = PnO(i)
strPnO = Util.StrFirstCharUCase(PnO(i))
and it seems OK.
3) I noticed a "Mohel" entry in the FR Officiator basic enum list. This entry is missing in Dic.
4) Dual Language fields
At the moment, I think this subject is a bit confusing. The translation of some fields is done through 2 methods:
a. the pattern {?EN:...}{?FR:...} in some fied input space and
b. a look-up in NameDic for the Occu (O.EN="..." O.FR="...") and Places (P.EN="..." P.FR="...") fields.
Additionally, some other fields are not supported by any of the 2 above methods and therefore cannot be translated.
I said it's confusing also because, during a field input, there's absolutely no way of knowing which translation method the field is supporting or none of them!
1) It would be interesting to know what is the exact Genopro improvement/implementation to come, if any?
2) For info, I'm personnally interested in the translation facility of the following fields:
Main Report Title, Edu Program/Discipline & Institution name, Pict Name, Source title, Fam Display text, Label text, Place desc/city/county/state and all Custom tags.
I am rather in favor of method a. because it's more straightforward. Once on a field, it only a matter of typing curly brackets and texts!
5) Observation:
Following the creation of the PhJT_ phrases, the enum <OccupationTermination> 12 entries in Dic are not used anymore (if not mistaken).
Is it necessary to keep this enum in Dic? Same obs for other enums, e.g. <EducationLevel>.
Thank you Dan and Ron
Edited: Sunday, July 29, 2007 by