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When I select display Google Map I receive the attached message.Please let me know if i need to fix something at my side. Thanks
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Perhaps your browser failed to connect to the Google Maps server. Were you connected to the internet at the time?
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Ron, unfortunately is not the case....internet connection is working fine, and I have direct access to Google Maps for the same places. I've also tested with a new genopro file, and received the same error. Maybe is something in my pc....
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The Google Maps API used in the report is not quite the same animal as the freestanding Google Maps and so just because one works does not necessarily mean that the other should.Check default.htm file in your generated report. line 40 should be gMap.types=[-1,G_MAP_TYPE, G_SATELLITE_TYPE, G_HYBRID_TYPE];
| . If this is not the case then the report, or at least default.htm, was generated with config params for Google Maps set false.If it is there and the Google Maps API script loads OK then this is where the gMap.types array gets defined and so should be available to script.js, unless of course the myTop variable is not set properly for some reason. Do you get the problem with the built-in English Narrative Report?
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Ron,I am using the embedded EN Narrative report. default.htm: gMap.reasons[G_GEO_SERVER_ERROR] = 'Server error: The geocoding request could not be successfully processed.'; gMap.types=[-1,G_MAP_TYPE, G_SATELLITE_TYPE, G_HYBRID_TYPE]; } gMap.typeDefault=1;
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Ron,I'm having the same problem with the Native Report also as previous person. Just stopped working two days again. / Stuart
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OK I have discovered the cause (See http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Maps-API/browse_thread/thread/eec00441339c0a52/f3aa12ede0def372?q=g_map_type&lnk=nl&) . Google have changed their code and withdrawn some constant names that were working a week ago! So instead of gMap.types=[-1,G_MAP_TYPE, G_SATELLITE_TYPE, G_HYBRID_TYPE];
| It should now be gMap.types=[-1,G_NORMAL_MAP, G_SATELLITE_MAP, G_HYBRID_MAP]; |
This is a bit naughty of Google and seems to have caught out a few people. I'll change default.htm in the skin and perhaps clamp the API to a particular version rather than any subversion of version 2 as it is at present. This should prevent any nasty surprises in the future. For now you can edit default.htm yourself in either a custom skin or your generated report. I should have a revision available soon. Maybe its time for
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Wednesday, November 5, 2008 by
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Now have what I believe is a fix for this (see attached). I have also fixed the the Google Maps API version used to 2.132d which is what currently gets loaded. This revision has the other post changes too, such as ages on SVG/PDF genomaps and a fix for thumbnails without IrfanView.Unfortunately everyone will need to regenerate their Narrative reports with this version or edit their default.htm file as per earlier post if they want Google Maps to work unless Google can be persuaded to reinstate the deleted changes. : :
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 by
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Thanks Ron, It works fine
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Wow Ron, I'm impressed with the quick turnaround. I didn't realize the google maps had stopped working until I read this thread.Thanks for incorporating the age in the SVG charts, as well as the Events Calendar.