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Can I change the narrative place name?
If yes, how?
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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With GenoPro, everything can be changed. In the Table Layout (Ctrl+T), click on the Places toolbar button, double click on the place you want to edit, and change its name to something you wish.
Forum Members Gamma GenoPro version:
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Yes... I know this, but in my version of GenoPro this function is disabled : :
Please look at this:

Please help me : :
Edit: Of course I can use NameDictionary.xml, but it is not an optimal solution... I want to anable this option in the table.
Edited: Saturday, January 24, 2009 by
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The greyed out area at the bottom shows the text associated with the Narrative Prefix on the left
Edit the name at the top of the table where it say Place Name (in English version)
Forum Members Gamma GenoPro version:
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Yes... but I'm using polish language, and as you probably know - the most difficult language in the world (of cource without Chineese : : )
We've lots irregular forms, and there must be a difference betwen the value "Place name" and "Narrative Place Name",
e.g. Place Name: Starogard Gdański Narrative Place Name: w Starogardzie Gdańskim
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What are the reasons for this change? This is the first question you have to ask yourself. If it is a gender problem, you can solve it by creating a custom(gender) tag for places and enter F for female and M for male. Then you have to adjust and amend your dictionary file to cater for those conditions. Since it seems to be a language specific condition you have to explain yourself in detail if you want to have advice. Some other languages have similar problems and were solved.
Forum Members Gamma GenoPro version:
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I meant:
If the place name is eg. Starogard Gdański, we say:
Starogard Gdański is the city of his family. - Starogard Gdański to miasto jego rodziny.
He was born in Starogard Gdański - On urodził się w Starogardzie Gdańskim (not "w Starogard Gdański") |
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I suggest you create a new place with this new name and use this name for this person`s birth place until you have solved this grammatical issue.
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A present there are two ways to derive the locative case of a Proper Noun as you require in Polish. The first is to use NameDictionary.xml as you have indicated. The second way is to use a VBScript 'regular expression' via the Dictionary entry LocativeProperNoun but this will be very difficult or even impossible unless the locative case can be generated using a simple set of rules. Alternatively it is possible to add code to handle an extra Custom Tag for Places, e.g. Name.Locative to hold this form which will allow you to add it via the Table Layout by adding this Custom Tag column. I have made the required coding changes in the attached Init.htm file that you can try in your custom Polish skin. You can enter the locative form either with or without the preposition, but if it is included ,or indeed is not required, then any leading space must be entered and the place name should be enclosed in square brackets. e.g. either ' w [Starogardzie Gdańskim] ' or 'Starogardzie Gdańskim '. In the last case the standard preposition action will be applied. If you can confirm that this meets your needs then I will include it in the next release of the Report skin.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Edited: Monday, January 26, 2009 by
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Hi, Ron. Now it works perfectly in Russian! Thank you! This will improve considerably the narration for Slavonic languages. But I think it will be a difficult way for users (not for translators). Meanwhile in all dialogues New Place and Edit Place we may choose the Narrative Prefix to be used in the Narrative report. In the field to the right from the Narrative Prefix field we may see how this word combination looks like. But now we can change nothing in this field. Here is a proposal: would this field be not Read only the changes in the word inflections will be made by the users and automatically inserted afterwards to... the Name Dictionary (for example). Then the report will be created in the correct way and with due regard for these changes. Is this possible?