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OK. The confusion arose because the topic of this thread is the Descendant Tree Chart, although the originator of the thread chose the ambiguous title 'Heirachical Descendant Report', and I therefore assumed your query was related to that.Whilst it is technically feasible to include links from the children to their parent using bookmarks and hyperlinks, a quick study of the scant OOo API documentation doesn't give me the confidence to attempt it particularly after the difficulties I had writing the existing report. It may easier with MS Word automation interface but I have not looked into that as I would not want to change one and not the other. In hindsight it would have been better a generate a report directly as text in Rich Text Format rather than via OOo and MsWord APIs but that is 'water under the bridge' now. Including the Ancestor Report written by Jean-Claude Guasp, sadly no longer with us, is also not straightforward as it is written in VBScript and would require translation to javascript first and then be changed to generate MSWord/OOo/RTF instead of HTML.
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to 1) I am not talking about the HTML version but the narrative descendants report (see attached sample), The head of the family is linked to his father, the children are linked to their respective families. Another link could be from the index page to the family section.
to 2) Here I am referring to the descendants report combined with the ancestor report(HTML). See also attached sample.
This combined report is then saved as PDF and can be send to interested parties rather than printing all pages(almost 1000).
93.43 KB)
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maru-san (5/31/2010)
Ron, 1) Is there a way that all persons are automatically hyper-linked within the Descendants Report? Troublesome to do it manually if you have thousands of people in your report. Sorry maru-san I am not too sure of what you mean here. I presume we are talking about the HTML version of the report. Do you mean that when a person occurs more than once in the report, e.g. due to cousins marrying, then each occurrence is linked to another, or perhaps you mean linking everyone to their respective Narrative Report page? 2) Can an ancestor report added for the spouses within the Descendants Report right after the children`s list?
Again I am a little confused. Do you mean something like the Ancestor Pedigree Chart that appears on an Individual's page of the narrative Report? I again presume we are referring to the HTML version of the Heirarchical Descendant Report and not the RTF version.
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Ron, 1) Is there a way that all persons are automatically hyper-linked within the Descendants Report? Troublesome to do it manually if you have thousands of people in yr report. 2) Can an ancestor report added for the spouses within the Descendants Report right after the children`s list?
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Dear Ron,As my request initiated the creation of the Hierarchical Descendant Report, I must write to thank you. It is splendid. I apologize that my extensive travels only allowed my checking back a few months late. At the risk of pushing my luck, might I request a vital tweek: For sharing purposes it is vital at times to include "Notes/Comments" as one can do with the regular "Latest English Descendant Report". Please could one have the same "Hide all Comments/Show all Comments" option (under Presentation Settings of Parameter Settings) with this report? On a more minor note: Re the numbering/lettering of the generations/children: I understand it may be too complicated to allow user-choices. But if there is to be one default, I'd like to make a case for reversing the current format: Rather have generations numbered, and children lettered. Reason: In referencing/sharing its easier/normal to refer to "the first generation, second generation etc", rather than "Generation f". This is not important re children (one usually refers to a child by name; seldom as "the 5th child"). It is unlikely there would ever be more than 26 children in a family, so shouldn't be a problem. Bravo, again. Regards, Don
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Hi Alex, Previously the name was not being 'HTML encoded', i.e. I had {1h} as the token in the Dictionary phrase. This would cause problems if for example a name contained the & characer or < > etc. I therefore changed this to {1}. The GenoPro Report Generator WritePhrase method seems to encode all non-ascil characters to their HTML/XML numeric entity codes. This is the effect you have observed.I do not believe this is necessary in a UTF-8 encoded document however it does no harm other than increasing file size and transmission/processing overheads. I guess that as 'WritePhrase' is unware of the document encoding the 'safe' route of encoding non-ascii is used.
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Thank you Ron. Now it is correct. But I have noticed that generated file DescendantTree.xml (v.2009.11.14) differ from this files in following versions. It is correct?
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Alex, I forgot to encode that one. Fixed in version and made some other changes that I hope should allow it to work with non-English Dictionaries. Let me know if problems with Russian Dictionary should you try it.King Semsem, added adopted/fostered miscarriage/abortion in above mentioned version.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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I have a problem in headers and footers (for .rtf in MS Word and OpenOffice). If name is with characters from the non Latin alphabet:
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Looking pretty good.But, a few more things: could something also denote Miscarriages and Abortions? And something to denote adopted and foster children would be nice.