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Hierarchical English Descendant Report

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Author How order Descendants by branch, rather than each generation together
Posted Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - Post #24941
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Hi Alex,
Glad you like the report. The reason for the renaming of pictures is presumeably because that, at the present time, as I understand it, URLs can only contain characters from the Latin alphabet, although recent news indicates that this about to change.

The fact that the first Picture is renamed to just 'jpg' looks like a bug with the GenoPro Report Generator itself and unfortunately not something I have control of within the scripts. Hopefully Dan will look in on the forum and take this issue on board. Although it may be worth you logging this as an issue by emailing support(at) with details.

With the narrative report, the picture URL is specified as the source ('src' attribute) of an image (img) html tag, and so the browser knows what to do with it, i.e. render as an image. However with the jquery 'FancyBox' plugin used in this report, the picture URL is given as the 'href' attribute of an anchor html tag <a>, and I guess the only way the plugin knows what it is, is by the filename extension, so without any .jpg extension, it is rendered as 'text' giving the result you see.

I wonder if it would it be possible to arrange for a dummy picture as the 1st picture in the .gno? e.g. perhaps an empty file with a name comprised off all russian letters. I do not know whether this means creating a dummy picture  with the lowest genopro ID or one with the lowest 'alphabetic' name. This picture could be associuated with, for example,  an invisible label object.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - Post #24942
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Well done, Ron!!

My comments:
1) No title, why?
2) When printing I miss either the dotted line as on screen or generation numbers. Will be difficult to follow the children if it goes over several pages.
3) PhDT_Divorce is missing in the Dictionary.xml file
Posted Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - Post #24943
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maru-san (11/11/2009)

1) No title, why?

Haven't got around to sorting that yet :Wink:

2) When printing I miss either the dotted line as on screen or generation numbers. Will be difficult to follow the children if it goes over several pages.

These are produced via background images and so you will need to use page setup in your browser to request printing of background colours and images.

3) PhDT_Divorce is missing in the Dictionary.xml file


I also need a space between dates and places.

Eventually I want to integrate these pages into the Narrative Report. e.g. have an extra icon  after a individual on index and their page that links to these pages. A descendant chart is not appropriate for all individuals so thinking of using a custom tag to indicate who has such a chart.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 by Ron
Posted Thursday, November 12, 2009 - Post #24944
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Thank you Ron.
Сhange ID, a dummy picture, an empty file, etc - unsuccessfully.
This is a way (for local disk):
- copy 'bad' picture in other directory
- open .gno file and add a New picture for individual (picture from other directory)
- set this picture as Primary Picture
- generate Narrative and Descendant Tree reports
- canceal change (do not save .gno file)
and this all.
Posted Thursday, November 12, 2009 - Post #24945
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Ron, while using this new report I realized that there is a need for a few more Dictionary entries, such as "MarriedAbbr" and/or "BurialAbbr".
In this case I can use a few more space saving symbols, at least in Germany.
Posted Friday, November 13, 2009 - Post #24946
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Revision posted  today (see earlier post) to add title, missing spaces & PhDT_Divorce phrase. Also added extra Dic entries for tree control text (Collapse, Expand & Toggle)

maru-san (11/12/2009)
while using this new report I realized that there is a need for a few more Dictionary entries, such as "MarriedAbbr" and/or "BurialAbbr".
In this case I can use a few more space saving symbols, at least in Germany.

Unsure as to your requirement here. The report does not use any x...xAbbr entries, the only abbreviations use are embedded in the PhDT_Individual phrase. Other texts are from the 'Enumerations' section of the Dictionary, and can be changed as required for this report.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Friday, November 13, 2009 - Post #24947
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Tried the installer and got the following error message, see imahe, with details from RegEdit. Using XP Home

Posted Friday, November 13, 2009 - Post #24948
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Excelent work. Thanks Ron.

Just a few things...

1. Could this at all be implemented into a Word Document with the first generation as say roman numerals (I, II, III, etc.), second generation as letters (A, B, C, etc.), third as numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.), fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, etc. generations with different codes as well?

2. How might one go about changing the marriage symbol to say a "+" or "m."?

3. After the name, if the child was stillborn or a twin, could that be noted?

4. Marriages without known dates, could the line (on the .htm) be removed?

Posted Friday, November 13, 2009 - Post #24950
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appleshaw (11/13/2009)

Tried the installer and got the following error message, see image, with details from RegEdit. Using XP Home

This is probably because you have not created your own skins folder and the default of %ProgramFiles%\GenoPro\Skins is being used. IMO it is not a good idea to store user files such as custom skins under Program Files, but better kept near your other GenoPro data files and backed up with them. Some users have also come unstuck here with Vista as they may not have permissions to write to Progrm Files.

However I will change the code to detect this situation and install the skin in the default location.

For those new to GenoPro you can change the Skins location using the GenoPro Tools/Generate Report dialog, under the Options tab. Use the 'New Skin' button under the 'Generate' tab to ceate the folder and register it with GenoPro.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Saturday, November 14, 2009 - Post #24951
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King Semsem (11/13/2009)

1. Could this at all be implemented into a Word Document with the first generation as say roman numerals (I, II, III, etc.), second generation as letters (A, B, C, etc.), third as numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.), fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, etc. generations with different codes as well?

Most things are possible, but how probable? I guess no-one else is likely to have a go. I may have a look at creating a flat text file, but the multiple types of indexing looks too daunting. A simpler scheme, such as a level number in the left hand margin and a simple numeric reference with each level would perhaps something I might tackle. The troubl ewith letters is there are only 26 of them (latin alphabet anyway) and roman numerals are not straight forward.

2. How might one go about changing the marriage symbol to say a "+" or "m."?

The line on which the oo and o|o symbols appear is not really a marriage. In GenoPro terms they describe the 'Family' object, which does not necessarily relate to a marriage. It is I guess more of a 'partnership' symbol. A family/partnership can have one or more events such a marriage and divorce, expressed via the GenoPro Union object. With the addition of the 'NarrativeStyle' custom tag a Union can represent any family/partnership event e.g. engagement. But if you wish you can change the symbol in Dictionary.xml see PhDT_Relation_Together and PhDT_Relation_Separation. I have considered changing these to the male ♂ and female ♀ symbols according to the gender of the couple to make it more universal.

3. After the name, if the child was stillborn or a twin, could that be noted?

This should be possible, I'll look into it.

4. Marriages without known dates, could the line (on the .htm) be removed?

Back to point 1) above really. If there is a marriage, then there ought to be a GenoPro Union object to represent it. This will be displayed on the chart below the family/partnership line. If there is no Union, then no marriage line is displayed. The structure of the chart can only reflect the GenoPro structure. i.e. An Individual can have any number of families or partnerships, each 'family' or 'partnership' can have marriages, divorces, separations and children associated with it.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

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