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Posted Friday, November 27, 2009 - Post #25050
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Last Login: Saturday, November 28, 2009
Posts: 2, Visits: 2
Is there a way of adding symbols as I would prefer to have a very large range of them e.g. ones to describe a relationship interaction
as, negative affective, = a line.
then symbols placed on that line to indicate type if negative affect e.g. shaming, frightening, distressing, overarousal of child, angry interaction; these symbols could be placed differently straddling the line to show degree.
So I used femal to create a circle - coloured it red for shame etc.
My q is can I add more or import word symbols as in shapes?
Posted Saturday, November 28, 2009 - Post #25051
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There are several options to enhance the basic symbol to show various conditions. Open the Display menu and turn on the Border Outline. This will create a box around the gender symbol. You can change the colour of both outline and fill to represent different conditions. Also create a blank symbol as a key to the meaning.

There is an alternative approach you can use to create your own on-screen image using the
New Closed Figure option from the top menu. You can modify the shape and colour in many ways and having created your various icons, copy and paste them. This is more flexible but the result is not attached to the individual, so if you re-arrange the display you have to make sure the figures also move
Posted Saturday, November 28, 2009 - Post #25052
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Last Login: Saturday, November 28, 2009
Posts: 2, Visits: 2
Thanks for that will try it. Sounds a good help. BlushBlush

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