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Posted Friday, November 27, 2009 - Post #25050
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Last Login: Saturday, November 28, 2009
Posts: 2, Visits: 2
Is there a way of adding symbols as I would prefer to have a very large range of them e.g. ones to describe a relationship interaction
as, negative affective, = a line.
then symbols placed on that line to indicate type if negative affect e.g. shaming, frightening, distressing, overarousal of child, angry interaction; these symbols could be placed differently straddling the line to show degree.
So I used femal to create a circle - coloured it red for shame etc.
My q is can I add more or import word symbols as in shapes?

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Forum Post Geno pro symbols By pierce ( Friday, November 27, 2009 )
Forum Post There are several options to enhance the basic symbol to show various... By appleshaw ( Saturday, November 28, 2009 )
Forum Post Thanks for that will try it. Sounds a good help. :blush::blush: By pierce ( Saturday, November 28, 2009 )

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