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Author Editing a multigenerational genogram trial exhibit and printing company issues
Posted Sunday, April 7, 2013 - Post #31597
Grand Master

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How many programs do you know that have manuals? You have to use the built in help menu - F1.

As you need this tomorrow there are several options. If you can see what you want on screen then the Print Scrn key is last resort. You would need a graphics program to paste this into and then save as jpg.

From GenoPro the important part is Page Layout which will put the output as either landscape or portrait and you can also select how many pages you want in the output. Print Preview will let you see if the result will be clear at that resolution. If there is not enough detail you either split over pages or use a larger paper size, which means installing another printer driver.

Final option would be to use File Export and select Metafile. This will produce a graphics image which would open in a graphics program eg Windows Picture Viewer
Posted Sunday, April 7, 2013 - Post #31598
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Last Login: Sunday, September 20, 2015
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If you want to reproduce a smaller section of a large genogram just select the part you require.
This can be done by dragging a box around the section or by selecting an individual then use the Select Direct Ancestors tool.
Copy the selection from the Edit menu and paste directly into a Word document.
The pasted diagram can be enlarged/ reduced/cropped in Word without loss of quality.

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