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import GEDCOM causes crash

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Author cannot import GEDCOM
Posted Thursday, July 26, 2012 - Post #30450
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I just purchased, downloaded, and installed v. When I try to import any GEDCOM, I receive a message "GenPro 2011 has stopped working" - check online for a solution and close the program or close the program. View problem details:

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: GenoPro.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 4ffba426

Fault Module Name: StackHash_9639

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 63656e6e

OS Version: 6.0.6001.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Information 1: 9639

Additional Information 2: e03a936772ff197e5659837180eadb27

Additional Information 3: 2792

Additional Information 4: b908979e951c66ae4071f1ef6266294e

Posted Friday, July 27, 2012 - Post #30455
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We can investigate the crash with the developer tool. Can the file be compressed and sent by email or it's too big? 

send it to with the title that the GenoPro file crash on import.
Posted Monday, September 17, 2012 - Post #30652
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Just started evaluating - was able to import a gedcom but found the size of the file made viewing too difficult.  On attempting to import a selection from the gedcom, genepro crashed.
Posted Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - Post #30653
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The problem with gedcom is that there is no standard version and so each program has its own variatios. GenoPro has extra information relating to screen layout. If you look at the export tab there are two options: export via the Report Generator or just export. The first option gives a more standard gedcom, the second is for GenoPro use.
My suggestion is that you import the original gedcom and use the option to Skip AutoArrange which will speed up the import. Then export the file (using the second option) to create a version containing GenoPro IDs.
Then import this file and try the Selection options. The Select button will open a table and allow you to choose an individual and the other check boxes allow you to expand the selection. Depending on the size of the gedcom this can take several seconds and if you have AutoArrange selected this can run into minutes
There have been many discussions on this forum about gedcom import. I have just imported one with 75000 individuals. No AutoArrange took nearly a minute. Open the table Ctrl+T and select an individual; move to another GenoMap; press key V to bring over family (one generation in this case). You can carry on doing this until the family runs out of relatives.
If you AutoArrange the data you can use the table to select an ancestor and then select a descendant tree and move to a different GenoMap where it can be sorted
Posted Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - Post #30664
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Tried a complete re-boot and genepro still crashed.
Not looking good as an option for me at this stage.
Posted Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - Post #30665
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1137379 (18-Sep-2012)
Tried a complete re-boot and genepro still crashed.
Not looking good as an option for me at this stage.

Thanks for the suggestion - rebooted and tried again using the export function then re-importing. Seems to be doing what I want - can now check it out Smile

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