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New features request.

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Posted Sunday, January 26, 2014 - Post #33066
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Hello, I bought GenoPro many years ago and am very happy. I have three requests. 
1) In Italy, until a few decades ago, it was normal to give 3 names to their children (usually in the name chosen by the parents more than the names of the grandparents). GenoPro has only two fields, you can add a field for the third name? 
2) In many areas, where there are few names but widely diffused it, is customary to assign a nickname family (eg my family, "Fox detti Giacola", to distinguish ourselves from the "Fox detti Zanobrio" and "Fox detti Scalana". Can you add a field to the"family nickname"? 
3) the list of positions of religious authority that can baptize is incomplete and can not be changed; many people in my family have been baptized by a "curato" or a "arcipresbitero" or "cappellano". Can you make customizable list? 
Thank you. 
Riccardo Fox
Posted Sunday, January 26, 2014 - Post #33067
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Hi Riccardo,
Concerning paragraph 3), if the Officiator Title you need does not exist in the Genopro list, you can always add it in the Officiator Name field:

It appears correctly in the reports and I can't see any additional advantage if you were able to enter the Officiator Title into a dedicated field, unless you need to publish reports in different languages, in which case the title entered into the name field would not be translated.
Kind regards
Posted Friday, April 4, 2014 - Post #33401
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Another thing that would be nice is the ability to create siblings without parents. I am using GenoPro for a huge project in mythic genealogy, and I have a number of instances of siblings with no known parents, and I would prefer not to create blank placeholder individuals. For now, I am working around it by making existing entities their parents and indicating the actual lack of relationship in the properties, but there really should be a simpler solution. If we can create single-parent families by simply deleting one of the newly-created parents, we should be able to delete the second parent without losing the family structure if there is more than one child.

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Posted Friday, April 4, 2014 - Post #33402
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If you first create a family line you can then place children on the display and link them to it. You obviously need the family line to denote siblings
Posted Saturday, October 11, 2014 - Post #34013
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Hi all!

I haven't read all the post, but I have two suggestions for the next version.

1. Would be good to have a bracket for the GPS coordinates (e.g. coordinates of a tomb) This coordinate could be hyperlinked to a map on the web.
2. Unfortunately, there is only one bracket for the 'Outer hyperlink' (I don't remember the exact name of it, sorry) As there are many pages on the web, which could be connected to a person, I would suggest that there should be more hyperlinks. E.g. one hyperlink possibility for the person's birthdate, which directs me to his birth certificate on the 'familysearch'. There should be another one for the date of his death with the same feature, or another one for the date of marriage, which could also direct me to the exact familyseach page, which contains the certificate.


Posted Saturday, October 11, 2014 - Post #34014
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First, a belated thank-you to appleshaw for the assistance. In the past (although it may have been an issue with earlier versions), whenever I tried to delete the parents after creating a family with children, it deleted the family line as well, and I hadn't realized that there was a way to create a family without creating parents. :-)

Second, I know that development is on hold at the moment, but I'd like to renew my request for proper support for BCE dates. I know they can be entered as text values, but it would be nice to have full chronological functionality there.

Third, related to dates, is the inconsistency with displaying single dates when either the birth date or the death date is blank. To be consistent with the display of the death date alone ("D. xxxx"), the display of the birth date alone should be shown as "B. xxxx"... just a little thing that's been tickling my OCD for the past few years. :-)

Fourth... and this is the big one... regarding the selection of multiple objects and the function of the Home key. The way it works right now, the Home key centers the entire selection, which (for me at least) often means that no part of the selection is visible on screen. What I would like to see is the Home key cycle through centering the individual selected objects. Having done a bit of coding in the distant past, I suspect that this will necessitate a second layer of variables for the selection, to retain the original selection during the cycle process, but I think it would be worth the added resource overhead.

Fifth, and finally (for now, anyway), is just a hope that we see a return to active development of the software, if only to allow the previous three requests to be implemented. ;-)

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Posted Saturday, October 11, 2014 - Post #34015
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And a quick thought regarding Riccardo's earlier post: If the Officiator Title field were simply a text box rather than a list control, that might be the easiest way to satisfy everyone... although I still have problems with the inclusion of some options in the "Full Name" and "Display Name" fields and the exclusion of others... but that's a different issue altogether, which I would solve by using drag-and-drop placeholders in a dialog box rather than a limited list of possibilities in a pull-down list. Too bad I'm not a programmer any more... :-)

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Posted Saturday, October 11, 2014 - Post #34017
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In answer to pollux18

1. Would be good to have a bracket for the GPS coordinates (e.g. coordinates of a tomb) This coordinate could be hyperlinked to a map on the web.

A GenoPro Place has provision for GPS coordinates (Latitude & Longitude) which can be shown on a Google Map in the  latest Narrative Report. e.g. for a tomb use the final dispositioin/burial place to hold the coordinates.

2. Unfortunately, there is only one bracket for the 'Outer hyperlink' (I don't remember the exact name of it, sorry) As there are many pages on the web, which could be connected to a person, I would suggest that there should be more hyperlinks. E.g. one hyperlink possibility for the person's birthdate, which directs me to his birth certificate on the 'familysearch'. There should be another one for the date of his death with the same feature, or another one for the date of marriage, which could also direct me to the exact familyseach page, which contains the certificate.

Use a Citation/Source for all of these. The referenced Source can have a link to the supporting certificate.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Saturday, January 15, 2022 - Post #41952
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To Pollux:
Just wondering why GPS codes for a grave are any good. I mean where i live if the family dont want/or cant pay for the rights to the grave, it's deleted. Then what use is a GPS code anymore
Posted Sunday, February 6, 2022 - Post #42012
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Hello, I am a university student working on obtaining my bachelor of social work degree. I have a few requests for the software. 
1) Please update the gender choices. The choice of M, F, ? is not inclusive and makes it difficult to complete a genogram
2)When adding a new "mate" please allow for choice of gender, I realize this can be changed manually but it would be great if it was auto programmed. 
3) Please add a tool that allows additional identification to the symbols for sexual orientation. There should be identifying symbols within the main character symbol to note sexual orientation. 

Edited: Sunday, February 6, 2022 by 2336747

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