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Report generator error 800A01B0

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Posted Tuesday, May 20, 2014 - Post #33607
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Generating report to 'D:\OneDrive\Family Tree\'
Cloning document FamilyTree...
Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin '\Customized English Narrative Report\*  (English Narrative Report)'...
Loading Dictionary.xml...
[0.00] Processing template 'init.htm'...
Error at line 23, position 1 (init.htm): File name or class name not found during Automation operation: 'CreateObject'
Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800A01B0

Please help if you can, I'm so frustrated at this error. Every time I try to run a report I get the above error. I'm running Windows 7, IE11, vbscript 5.8, and using the latest customized Narrative report. I've also uninstalled and re-installed the programme several times.
It also doesn't work with the standard "English Narrative", 'Descendants Report', 'Descendants Tree Chart' and  'Kinship Calculator'. However it will run reports on "Birthday Listing" and "Display all comments"  

'Descendants Report' error: 
Error at line 13, position 8 (Code/GenoProParser.js): File name or class name not found during Automation operation
Microsoft JScript runtime error 800A01B0

'Descendants Tree Chart' errror:
Error at line 7 (DescendantTree.js) generating 'DescendantTree.xml': File name or class name not found during Automation operation
Microsoft JScript runtime error 800A01B0

'Kinship Calculator' error:
Error at line 13, position 1 (Code/GenoProParser.js) generating 'kinship.htm': File name or class name not found during Automation operation
Microsoft JScript runtime error 800A01B0

As you can see the other errors are at different lines or position numbers but with the same  error number 800A01B0.

Hope you can shed some light on this problem.

D Jones (35742)
Posted Tuesday, May 20, 2014 - Post #33608
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Firstly be clear that you are NOT running the latest version of the Narrative Report, if you were the error would not be at line 23 of Init.htm.  You may have the latest GenoPro.exe but you ain't running the latest skin of the Narrative Report which can be found at

However installing this will probably not resolve your error. I think somehow the registry entries your version of Windows Scripting Host are corrupted as the Narrative Report script is failing to create a FileSystem Object.

Line 23: Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

 Some antivirus products can give problems with Windows Scripting as they attempt to intercept calls to it, Symantec/Norton Antivirus is one I have come across in the past.  I am a retired IT consultant with over 40 years experience and I would not touch Symtanec/Norton with a 10 foot barge pole!

If you have it, uninstall and use something like Avast! instead.

I suggest you try re-registering the Scripting Host dlls as per the Microsoft Article

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Posted Wednesday, May 21, 2014 - Post #33615
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Thanks for your response.  I've now re-installed the correct narrative and you were quite right in that it did not solve the error entirely but moved it to line 67 (see below).

I'm now trying to sort the scripting to see if that will solve the problem. Many thanks.

Generating report to'D:\Documents\GenoPro Reports\FamilyTreereportMay2014\'

Cloning documentFamilyTree...

Opening configuration fileConfig.xml for skin 'English Narrative Report'...

Loading Dictionary.xml...

[0.00] Processingtemplate 'init.htm'...

Base skin version fromConfig.xml:2011.02.04

To disable display ofparameter settings, tick the box under 'Options' tab of 'Generate Report'dialog.

Please wait while IE forminitializes

[1.87] Processingtemplate 'style.css'...

Applying theme '

Copying files from defaulttheme

Copying files from selectedtheme

[1.95] Processingtemplate 'index.html'...

[1.96] Processingtemplate 'default.htm'...

Error atline 67 (default.htm): Invalid procedure call or argument: '[string:"(null)"]'

                Microsoft VBScript runtime error800A0005 
Posted Wednesday, May 21, 2014 - Post #33617
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You are now getting a completely different error 800a0005 and you are still running the Narrative Report built-in to GenoPro so maybe your Scripting registry problem is resolved

This latest error WILL NOT OCCUR if you download install and select the Latest English Narrative Report skin from the link I provided in my earlier post.  That post also has a link to a post describing how to install it.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 by genome
Posted Wednesday, May 21, 2014 - Post #33618
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I did download the latest narrative and install as advised into a separate skins folder, however I did not have winzip.exe and my windows programme unzipped the files to the specified folder.

With your latest post saying I hadn't the latest narrative I wondered why it was not installing correctly. My conclusion was that the file was not unzipping correctly so I have since installed winzip, unzipped the file to the same folder and hey presto the report generated.

Thanks for your patience.
Posted Thursday, May 22, 2014 - Post #33619
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I am glad your problem is resolved.  

It should be Okay to unpack/unzip the skin using the built-in Windows utility.  I wonder if you unzipped directly into the skins folder rather than a folder below the skins folder? Also after adding a skin you need to exit the Generate Report dialog and reopen it to refresh the list of skins.   

Also 7-Zip is a very good licence-free alternative to WinZip Smile

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Thursday, May 22, 2014 - Post #33620
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As you say, I did unzip it directly into the skins folder and not into one below but then I also did exactly the same with WinZip. At the time I had my Genopro programme open with the generator dialogue visible and I noticed the narrative change automatically to the latest narrative as soon as it finished unzipping. There could be a glitch in the windows utility but I will remember in future to use a stand alone zip programme when installing any update.

Thanks for the info about 7-Zip, I will install that as the WinZip i have is only an evaluation copy.

I hope this post is of help to others who may be experiencing the same problems.

Thanks again for all your help.

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