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When Source/Citation links are clicked the narrative report, the right frame is split to show the requested info (see image).Report Generator: Narrative_2014.04.10: Request for Sources/Citations Increasingly, I and my family access my site from mobile devices where this makes viewing far more difficult. Request: Can the target frame for Sources/Citations target frame be changed to _blank. OR, if this is not supported, can some-one tell me where I can change the code for this ??
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I jumped in with my first response (now deleted) and then realized I hadn't read the post carefully.
The short answer is no it is not supported at present. However I consider the requested change has merit and I believe I have a solution that will provide this feature as (yet another) option. I should hopefully be able to deliver a revised skin in a 'few' days, depending on whether or not events occur beyond my control (e.g. grandchildren are on school holiday and may demand time  ). If you want to 'go it alone' then search for lines containing target='popup' in the skin file Code\Util.vbs and change the last two occurences.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Last Login: Saturday, September 10, 2016
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Thanks for the quick reply and the hint !!!
Fixed it (for me): Code/util.vbs Line 1135/1146 changed popup to _blank - Causes all Source/Citation links to open in a new page !!! IfcollSources.Count > 0 Then ' write details of remaining source/citations If NotSession("NestSourceRefs") Then Report.WriteBrDic.Plurial("SourceCitation" & Util.IfElse(g_collFootnotes.Count> 0, "_Other",""), collSources.Count) strSep ="" For EachoFootnote in collSources strTitle = StrPlainText(oFootnote,Util.FirstNonEmpty(oFootnote.Subtitle, oFootnote.Description,oFootnote.QuotedText, Dic("SourceInformation"))) If (strTitle <> "") Then strTitle = Util.FormatString(" title='{}'", strTitle) EndIf Report.WriteFormatted strSep & " <ahref='source-{&t}.htm'onclick='showPopUpFrame("""");' target='_blank'{}><i>{}</i></a>", oFootnote.ID, strTitle,JoinSourceCitationNames(oFootnote, StrFormatText(oFootnote,StrParseText(oFootnote.title, True)), true) strSep = Util.IfElse(Session("NestSourceRefs"), "<br/>", ",")
Next End If
Last Login: Saturday, September 10, 2016
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Tiny residual problem My small code change doesn't stop the display of the Source/Citation subframe which just appears blank.... Hints ?? Suggestions ?? Happy to help experiment..... or wait....
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Try removing the onclick attribute
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Last Login: Saturday, September 10, 2016
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Thanks again !!! it did exactly what I wanted:
Summary: To stop Source/Citation links from opening in a sub-frame on the right hand side, change:Code/util.vbs Lines 1135/1146 IfcollSources.Count > 0 Then ' write details of remaining source/citations If NotSession("NestSourceRefs") Then Report.WriteBrDic.Plurial("SourceCitation" & Util.IfElse(g_collFootnotes.Count> 0, "_Other",""), collSources.Count) strSep ="" For EachoFootnote in collSources strTitle = StrPlainText(oFootnote,Util.FirstNonEmpty(oFootnote.Subtitle, oFootnote.Description,oFootnote.QuotedText, Dic("SourceInformation"))) If(strTitle <> "") Then strTitle = Util.FormatString(" title='{}'", strTitle) EndIf Report.WriteFormatted strSep & " <ahref='source-{&t}.htm' onclick='showPopUpFrame("""");'target='_blank'{}><i>{}</i></a>", oFootnote.ID, strTitle,JoinSourceCitationNames(oFootnote, StrFormatText(oFootnote,StrParseText(oFootnote.title, True)), true) strSep = Util.IfElse(Session("NestSourceRefs"), "<br />","<br >") Next End If
i.e. remove the aonclick showpopup behaviour AND change target to _blank. This makes Source/Citation pages open in a new window.
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I decided to adopt a more generic approach to this issue in release 2014.08.14 (now available).
This version provides an option via Config Params to open all 'popup' content in a maximised frame. This also avoids proliferation of tabs/windows that would have occurred if links in 'popup' frames were followed. I am looking to implement automatic detection of tablet/smartphone platform and switch according.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Last Login: Saturday, September 10, 2016
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Even after selecting the "presentation" option to "Open popup frame to maximum size....", i don't get citations in a new window.
Still needed to change Code/ Utils.vbs Line 1145: Report.WriteFormattedstrSep & " <a href='source-{&t}.htm' target='_blank'{}><i>{}</i></a>", oFootnote.ID, strTitle,JoinSourceCitationNames(oFootnote, StrFormatText(oFootnote,StrParseText(oFootnote.title, True)), true)