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Hiding Partial Comments not working in Reports

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Author Privacy 'Hiding part of Comments' not working in Reports
Posted Thursday, September 25, 2014 - Post #33937
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I'mhaving a problem with 'Hiding/suppressing part of Comments' in a number of the latestReport skins (Note: I'm using latest version


1.English Descendent Report (separately downloaded latest version 2013-12-04):  I have always used a double tilda ~~ before CommentsI wished to hide.   When typed into thebox "Hide part of comment following this character:" this workedbefore.  But now (no matter whether Icheck or uncheck the other "Hide Comments" box), no longer works.


2.Export to Gedcom (Version 2014-08-08): The character used "to precede private comment to be excluded"now a)only accepts a single character, so my double-tilda (which is allowed in otherreport) doesn't work. But b)anyway, it doesn't seem to work even with a single-tilda(ie everything after my double-tilde should be suppressed by definition of comingafter a single-tilde)


3.English Narrative Report (Version 2014-08-14): There seems to be no capacity at all for the same hiding of the privatecomments after my double-tilde. I've read of the <hide> fix, but can't goback and correct 7000 individuals.  And anothermethod I read re ammending a 'Dictionary.xml' file is bewildering (I can't evenfind the file; my Narrative Report folder has a file named 'DictionaryFR.xml',but not the same and unclear what to ammend). Is there not a simple checkbox I'm missing?  Or can the more complicatedprogramming-change method be further explained.



Posted Friday, September 26, 2014 - Post #33946
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Thanks for reporting these issues. As the lone developer of these reports in my spare time I do not always have the time to fully test every change so I do tend to rely on the GenoPro community to test and report problems. So far I think I have fixed every bug reported.

I suspect errors crept in when I converted the Config Params interface to use tabbed HTA forms.  e.g. with Descendants report the config param was named 'Private' but the code was checking for 'HidePrivateComments' as I had copied that code from the GedCom Export skin.  In the Gedcom report it looks like I just forgot to invoke the 'plainText' function on comments to clean up any custom markup and remove private text.

The Narrative Report does work correctly but the Private indicator string used is either
1. in Dictionary.xml as you say (you must have this file present in the main report folder as the report wont work without it. DictionaryFR.xml is an out of date French translation that is there by oversight Blush)
2.  as a 'Document' Custom Tag named Private (to create tag  use Tools, Tag Editor then click Document and create a tag named Private as normal. To set its value right click on a blank area of a GenoMap and chose 'Properties' and then click 'Custom Tags' tab (or whatever you called your tag layout) and then set the value required (e.g. ~~) in the Private tag.

I have (tested!) fixes for the Gedcom and Descendants Report that I will publish soon and will add a similar Config Param to the Narrative to bring some consistency to the skins.

By the way, if you do need to make multiple repetitive changes to your .gno then you can export as xml and use a decent text editor (e.g. to search and replace using regular expressions.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Friday, September 26, 2014 - Post #33951
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Terrific, Ron.  Thank you so much.  Your work always much appreciated.

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