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Hiding Partial Comments not working in Reports

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Author Privacy 'Hiding part of Comments' not working in Reports
Posted Thursday, September 25, 2014 - Post #33937
Junior Member

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Last Login: Friday, January 1, 2016
Posts: 10, Visits: 48

I'mhaving a problem with 'Hiding/suppressing part of Comments' in a number of the latestReport skins (Note: I'm using latest version


1.English Descendent Report (separately downloaded latest version 2013-12-04):  I have always used a double tilda ~~ before CommentsI wished to hide.   When typed into thebox "Hide part of comment following this character:" this workedbefore.  But now (no matter whether Icheck or uncheck the other "Hide Comments" box), no longer works.


2.Export to Gedcom (Version 2014-08-08): The character used "to precede private comment to be excluded"now a)only accepts a single character, so my double-tilda (which is allowed in otherreport) doesn't work. But b)anyway, it doesn't seem to work even with a single-tilda(ie everything after my double-tilde should be suppressed by definition of comingafter a single-tilde)


3.English Narrative Report (Version 2014-08-14): There seems to be no capacity at all for the same hiding of the privatecomments after my double-tilde. I've read of the <hide> fix, but can't goback and correct 7000 individuals.  And anothermethod I read re ammending a 'Dictionary.xml' file is bewildering (I can't evenfind the file; my Narrative Report folder has a file named 'DictionaryFR.xml',but not the same and unclear what to ammend). Is there not a simple checkbox I'm missing?  Or can the more complicatedprogramming-change method be further explained.



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