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PT-BR Narrative Report

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Author DONE! My first version....
Posted Sunday, May 3, 2015 - Post #34983
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Thu, 12th-May-2015:  I am happy to announce that Dictionary.xml is now translated to Brazilian-Portuguese.
                                   It was a hard and exausting task, working bit by bit, over the last 1,5 weeks.
                                   More than 2400 lines meaning almost 2000 rules .... ouch... 

                                   Test Results:
                                      >> after run on my 756 family tree, with 197 families I can say that:

                                             a) gender variation in PT sucks... it was my top of the list issue. Sometimes I had to give up and just included the famous termination  "(a); (as)" at the end of the pronoums and verbs. Ex:  "... transferido(a).... no(a)..... ele(a)..... outro(a).... casado(a)...."

                                             b) during my learning curve it was noted that Indicative Pronoums are repetitive in English Narrative, however in Portuguese it turns the text a bit boring. So I have used the Hidden Subject very common in our language. Ex:  replaced "Ele nasceu ...., Ele foi casado com.... ; Ele morreu com 75 anos..."  by "Ele nasceu....; Foi casado com.... Morreu aos 75 anos...."

                                             c) There are still some rules to be worked with in the next version. It was discovered that, for someone in specific cases, the rule is valid and the phrase output is smooth and nice. For unknown reason, in other cases, the phrase is not nice despite it is totally understandable. Ex: Case 1 "Ele tinha dois irmãos e duas irmãs....";  Case 2 "Ele tinha dois irmãos e dois irmãs....."  See? if you are not PT speaker may not realize the difference, but we do !

                 I will share the .ZIP file with the complete PT-BR Narrative Report, which is working fine without errors. Not sure where in this forum I can do it, but I hope the "Legendary Master"can help me out. 

                 Thanks to GenoPro to allow us to modify the rules and give us the opportunity of translating this material. 

Paulo R Caruso Alcocer
Family Tree:  /palcocer/EN and /palcocer/BR and palcocer/ES


Hello everyone, specially Mr ZatLima and EneasCorrea who started the Narrative Report translation back in 2009.

I could not reach the RapidShare file anymore (zatlima wrote a topic in this forum); so I started from scratch.

The way I have choosen is:
a) I copied the entire Narrative Report - EN folder into a working folder named "PT-BR ..."
b) using the hints @support section of GenoPro and also Mr Eneas process,  I managed to edit the (dictionary.xml) 
c) actually I am using Notepad++ wich is wonderful for XML edition (colors and structure are nice)
d) At this moment in time I could say it is 75% done and tested.

Bear in mind my Family Tree has about 756 members, and so far I am getting good results. I mean the compilation errors are null, so far, and the grammar errors are being minimized day after day.

It is a huge task, considering the "locative" and "possessive" pronoums are quite different in EN and PT-BR (we have the gender variation on top of that)

As soon my work gets to a 90% + level, I will share the Dictionary.xml (works fine in the version) to this community.

Keep you posted.

Paulo R Caruso Alcocer
Family Tree:  /palcocer
Posted Wednesday, June 3, 2015 - Post #35031
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After considering the revisions from Ron (Legendary Master) , I have made further tests with the Dictionary.xml and ... it is 100% operational and working.

Please whoever trys this translation, be aware of the comments in my first post. Ordinal, Gender and Pronoums are not "sharp" as it could be, however is totally acceptable in my oppinion. Feel free to test it and send me your comments.

I am still working in the translation of the file ConfigMsgEN.xml to become a ConfigMsgPT-BR.xml ... will take sometime, but soon I will publish it. Bear in mind it doesn`t stop your effort to have a PT Narrative at all. I believe that Ron will include both files in the /Code section of the skins, when I finish it.

            -> download the attached file, and copy it to your PT Narrative folder under /Skins 
                   mine is "PT-BR Narrative Report 2015_04_30"
            -> generate a new Report using the PT skin ... and "boa sorte"


Paulo Caruso Alcocer
Posted Friday, January 13, 2017 - Post #37627
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Olá, amigos. 

REF: Relatório Narrativo (2015.06.03)

Estou muito triste com "PT-BR Narrative Report". (ESTOU USANDO  GenoPro® version on 2017.1.12 usando padrões - skin {PT-BR} Relatório Narrativo (2015.06.03) version 2016.08.11 .

Eu desisti de "Myheritage". Eu voltei para GENOPRO. Estou infeliz com "PT-BR Narrative Report" de Genopro. Eu vou tentar melhorar tradução, caso seja possível.

Eu entendo que o texto abaixo seja ridículo. Não é satisfatório.

Seu padrinho foram/são foi/é João Cândido e seu madrinha foram/são foi/é Ana Cândido .

foram/são    -   foi/é..................?

seu madrinha foram/são foi/é............?


Ele tem um irmão e dois irmãs...........?


Os avô foi...........?


Hello friends. I am very sad with "PT-BR Narrative Report".
I gave up on "Myheritage". I went back to GENOPRO. I am unhappy with Genopro's "PT-BR Narrative Report." I'll try to improve translation, if at all possible.

I understand that the text below is ridiculous. It is not satisfactory.


Edited: Friday, January 13, 2017 by eneascorrea
Posted Tuesday, March 13, 2018 - Post #38618
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Talvez você tenha alguma idéia genial para melhorar o PT-BR Report.
Que tal ajudar a melhorar o .XML ao invés de perder tempo em marcar em vermelho os erros?

Eu já tinha dito em meu comentário de 2015 que por alguma razão o sitema de compilação não traduz as flexões de gênero.

  c) There are still some rules to be worked with in the next version. It was discovered that, for someone in specific cases, the rule is valid and the phrase output is smooth and nice. For unknown reason, in other cases, the phrase is not nice despite it is totally understandable. Ex: Case 1 "Ele tinha dois irmãos e duas irmãs....";  Case 2 "Ele tinha dois irmãos e dois irmãs....."  See? if you are not PT speaker may not realize the difference, but we do !

Exatamente o caso de "dois irmãs" que você mencionou!

São mais de 1200 regras que eu levei um tempão para traduzir... e nada é muito linear, ou seja, tem que editar, compilar, verificar e muitas vezes os erros continuam presentes. Não sou pago para isso, foi um trabalho voluntário. Demanda tempo e dedicação.

Então que tal ajudar e dividir o esforço? 

Eu me proponho a rever 600 regras e daria a você as outas 600 ... que tal?

Posted Saturday, March 17, 2018 - Post #38628
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Hi Paulo,

It is not possible to resolve the "dois irmãs" issue via the Dictionary.xml phrases alone.  The problem is that the GenoPro Report Generator API built-in phrase Dic.PlurialCardinal method is not gender-aware.  

I have therefore written a replacement bespoke routine to fix this situation.  The attached zip file contains a replacement for the GenoPro 2016 Report Skins Narrative Common folder with the amended Lang.vbs file. I have also included a replacement {PT-BR} Relatório Narrativo  folder containing an revised Dictionary.xml that resolves several of the issues presented by eneascorrera

Please download the attached file and unzip directly into your Report Skins folder to replace the existing folders.

The Dictionary.xml changes are as follows, all flagged with the date 2018.03.15 in the V (version) attribute for identification.
        Line 1: <Dictionary Language="PT" Version="2018.03.15">
Line 838:         <Child T=" criança" P=" crianças" C1=" um criança" V="2018.03.15±"/>
Line 894:         <Oldest_F T="mais velha" P="mais velha" V="2018.03.15+"/>
Line 895:         <Oldest_M T="mais velho" P="mais velho" V="2018.03.15+"/>
Line 1574:         <PhCollectionMFU T="{0}[[{?0} e ]{1},][[{?0|1}, e também ]{2}][[{?0^1}] chamad[{?4}a][{!}o] {3h}]" V="2018.03.15±"/>
Line 1643:         <PhGodparents T="{ &#32;}{\U}{!0}[ padrinho[{?4}s [{?3}são][{!}foram]][{?!4} [{?3}é][{!}foi]] {1h}][[{?1} e {!0}] madrinha[{?5}s [{?3}são][{!}foram]][{?!5} [{?3}é][{!}foi]] {2h}]." V="2018.03.15±" />
Line 1644:         <PhGodparentsTxt T="[{!0}[ padrinho[{?4}s [{?3}são][{!}foram]][{?!4} [{?3}é][{!}foi]] {1}][[{?1} e {!0}] madrinha[{?5}s [{?3}são][{!}foram]][{?!5} [{?3}é][{!}foi]] {2}].]" V="2018.03.15±" />

p.s. I have no knowledge of the Portuguese language but I hope my amendments help Smile

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

{PT-BR} Narrative (126 views, 1.35 MB)

Edited: Saturday, March 17, 2018 by genome

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