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I am sure there are people interested in such a tool. Feel free to share your suggestions.
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vlepore asked for this in his post http://support.genopro.com/FindPost35183.aspx
GenoPro should suggest a merge if individuals have same forename, last name and date of birth. Show properties of each as a side by side list and allow the user to select which properties are carried forward to the merged individual. This could be useful where a user receives an updated GedCom file. The gedcom could be imported and pasted into a separate GenoMap and then the Merge Duplicates utility can be invoked.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 by
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I have started, but stalled, on a routine to merge information from successive census records of the same person. One problem is that the information on the birth menu does not allow for variants and so extra information has to be stored as a Comment, which is hard to research. Data can vary according to who provides the information, and also memory problems. Year of birth can vary and also place, which may be a farm, ot its hamlet or village or neighbouring town. May even be a town in one census and just country (Scotland or Ireland). Another common error is the use of baptism as birth record. So I feel there is a need to consider the information that can be stored before attempting to merge existing data.
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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The new architecture keeps a history of every piece of data for every field, so it is possible to rollback or view what was changed in the family tree. Also, today I was working on the property editor, keeping in mind the necessity to have 3 panels simultaneously to merge data.
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I tried something similar a few years ago but got stuck with my prototype, mainly due to performance issues, partially due to complexity.
As Ron suggested, comparing and merging individuals is pretty straight forward. Just put the data side by side and let the user decide item per item. As long as you are dealing with "simple" items (names, dates) you will be OK.
My approach was to handle data without knowing what I could expect. This was done on purpose to be able to cope with situations where GenoPro development would be adding new items over time. So my tool had be able to deal with those new items without the need for an update or re-write. The basic mechanism I used was to qualify all keywords and their corresponding values, to sort them alphabetically, and to perform a rather simple merge operation on them, visually controlled by the user.
The main problems I have been facing were due to - what I call - descriptors. With this I'm referring to the mechanism that is used to store the details of places, occupations, educations, etc. In these cases only a reference number is used, pointing to a description elsewhere in the data. Imagine a situation where you are merging two individuals from different GenoGrams. It is very well possible that both individuals refer to a place like "London", but that the description of London is different between one and the other GenoGram (there is more than one London in the world, and one descriptor can contain more, less or different details than the other). So here you have to merge based on contents rather than on keywords. If the result of the merge matches 100% an existing descriptor, you can reuse the identifier that points to that descriptor, else you need to create a new one. Not easy, but feasible.
See topic http://support.genopro.com/FindPost29605.aspx (many topic readers but only a few people downloaded the tool and even less provided feedback)
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Something similar we have in a software solution I use on a job. Merge option, as well as warning for duplicated unique individuals/data.On input in specific fields if data that is supposedly unique we get a warning if duplication occurs and suggested course of action. Also for any two data inputs of same type there is an option to do a merge with side to side view and an option to chose merged data outcome...
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Customers Gamma GenoPro version:
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I am definitely interested in seeing this capability in GenoPro. I have adopted a strategy for genealogy construction which minimizes duplication that I have been using for my extended project on European royalty; when adding children for a couple, I only create the sons, and for those sons with known wives, I create the wives along with them. The daughters I add by name to the text description of the relationship line, removing their names as they are created with their husbands and tracked down. I still end up with a few duplicates in such situations as widows or divorcees remarrying, but generally there are far fewer than I've had to deal with in my original British royalty project (which I'm working on cleaning up now with the Problem Spotter, as it's the tree that connects most directly with my own family; I still have a lot of research to do on my Icelandic, Norwegian, and Swedish ancestors, especially the latter two; "Lund" is a horrifically common surname in Scandinavia and among their immigrants to North America).
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Legacy Pro has the aforementioned merge option. (side by side, choose what to keep, ect.) Take a look at it and see if you can get an idea for coding.