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not sure which license -- or even which version -- I need

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Posted Sunday, March 11, 2018 - Post #38602
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Last Login: Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Posts: 8, Visits: 8
I'm a new user, and I'm pretty overwhelmed by all the options, so I'm hoping someone more familiar with the nuances of the upgrades, releases, options, etc. can advise me.
  • I am a student.  GenoPro is not provided by my school, nor is it specifically required for a class.  However, I found it in the first place because the construction of genograms is being recommended in my course.  
  • My field is, in a nutshell, health coaching/counseling, so the health data tracking and the emotional relationship tracking are both useful features for me, academically (and, eventually, professionally).
  • I'm also an avid amateur genealogist, so features that further genealogy research are of interest to me.
Currently, I'm running the 2011 version I downloaded, with an evaluation license, but I'm aware that isn't an up-to-date version.  I don't really understand the differences, though, between GenoPro 2016, GenoProX, GenoProX Premium, etc. and all the various licensing options.  And I can't tell if I'm eligible for an academic license.  Any clarity someone can provide would be much appreciated!

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