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A tool for producing a subset of GenoMaps from your .gno file

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Author Introducing GenoSub
Posted Tuesday, August 21, 2018 - Post #38852
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I have added an additional tool to the familytrees Apps catalogue.

The GenoSub'' app can be reached from the GenoPro {EN} App Launcher skin template or directly from the website

This web app uses javascript to read your .gno file, unzipping to see the XML data and then presents selection boxes for both GenoMaps and 'volumes'(if present). There is an explantory note to this effect when you launch the app.  The app then produces the selected subset of GenoMaps and prompts you to download the new .gno.

First public release so may still have a bug or two Rolleyes

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Tuesday, August 21, 2018 - Post #38853
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good morning
I found these anomalies:
- In Text Label, loses the end-of-line character
- In presence of an internal link, you lose gender, date of birth and deceased, but not Always!


Vittorino Lepore 
Se non porti almeno una soluzione, anche tu fai parte del problema" or "If you don't bring at least a solution, even you're a part of the problem"
Posted Tuesday, August 21, 2018 - Post #38854
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Thanks for testing Vittorino.

Looks like I messed up my attempt to remove blank lines from the XML. It should have just removed them from between XML tags and not within the tag content.  I think I know where I went wrong with that.

As to hyperlinks, GenoPro only keeps the data with one instance the link, so at the moment it depends on whether or not the data object is on a retained GenoMap.  I will have to change that and copy the data across if required.

Hopefully should have fix quite soon.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Wednesday, August 22, 2018 - Post #38856
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The error in the links occurs when the IDnnnnn is greater than that of the other genomap.
When the IDnnnnn is smaller, it's all right.

I have done other tests and all is well. Also the links between two extracted genomaps.

I think, in the labels and other comments, tag <br> you can just delete only if it's all empty.


Vittorino Lepore 
Se non porti almeno una soluzione, anche tu fai parte del problema" or "If you don't bring at least a solution, even you're a part of the problem"
Posted Wednesday, August 22, 2018 - Post #38857
Legendary Master

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Yes the first individual created will hold the data, with susequent hyperlinks to it just having display information such as name, border, colours etc. Hence if all IDs are created by GenoPro (rather than imported) the hyperlinks will have a higher ID number.

Anyway I believe I have now corrected both of the issues you have found.  

The removal of blank lines was not down to my code as originally thought but the XML serializer which removes extra whitespace. converting newlines to numeric entity &#10; before serializing resolves it. 
In fact GenoPro  stores newlines as &#10; but the XML parser used to load the .gno converts them to newlines. 

With hyperlinks, if the data object is not being retained then I now replace the hyperlink with the data object, but retaining the display info of the hyperlink.

The code on familytrees has been updated with these corrections but you may need to clear your browser cache to see the changes. 

Note that the script runs solely in the browser on your PC so that your .gno is only loaded and processed locally.  The familytrees server is merely a convenient storage for the HTML and scripts used.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

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