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A tool for producing a subset of GenoMaps from your .gno file

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Author Introducing GenoSub
Posted Tuesday, August 21, 2018 - Post #38852
Legendary Master

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I have added an additional tool to the familytrees Apps catalogue.

The GenoSub'' app can be reached from the GenoPro {EN} App Launcher skin template or directly from the website

This web app uses javascript to read your .gno file, unzipping to see the XML data and then presents selection boxes for both GenoMaps and 'volumes'(if present). There is an explantory note to this effect when you launch the app.  The app then produces the selected subset of GenoMaps and prompts you to download the new .gno.

First public release so may still have a bug or two Rolleyes

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

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