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Sending big file via FTP doesn't work

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Posted Friday, April 16, 2021 - Post #41375
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Trying to upload files FamilyTree.json and FamilyTree.xml of 163 Mo each via your FTP client, but nothing happens. How can I do This ? Using the generator gives me an error for these files as Out of memory.
Any solution would be appreciated
Posted Saturday, April 17, 2021 - Post #41385
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If you mean 163Mb then that is certainly a very large file. My own modest GenoPro database produces a 4Mb .json file for GenoTab and has around 4k individuals, so I am guessing your files have in excess of 150K individuals.  

I wonder what the user response would be when attempting to view an online report with such large files, should you manage to upload them.  All GenoPro reports do not have a client/server architecture and use client-side processing in the browser. GenoTab will download the complete .json file at the start.  I am not sure what you are hoping to use the .xml file for, the Narrative Report is published with separate HTML pages for each individual and family and does not need the optional .gno, .xml or .ged files.

Maybe breaking your file down into smaller family groups is a 'solution' if you want to use the GenoTab report?

I do not know whether or not  GenoPro Ltd imposes a size limit on files uploaded to familytrees.

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Posted Sunday, April 18, 2021 - Post #41387
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Thanks for the reply
I must say I am a bit confused between the different processes whether which type of files must be uploaded (json, xml, gno...) to have the system working but I cannot manage to upload tthe json file which is big because I have a big family of 200 000 individuals
After the report generation when I click on an individual page I get page not found. I suppose it is because the json file is missing. But I can't manage to upload it, which is quite irritating. I would like to use Filezilla to upload the file, but genopro refuses all connections whatever the port I use
I am really stuck and would like to find a solution
Splitting my genealogy tree would be too complicate
Any other ideas ?
Thanks for any help
Posted Monday, April 19, 2021 - Post #41390
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Ok, it was not clear why you were trying to upload these large files but I am going to assume, unless you say differently, that you are trying to publish a Narrative Report using the report generator.  You say that when attempting to access an individual page, you get the error 'page not found'. Is this every individual or just a particular few?

The Narrative Report does NOT need any of the GenoPro data files i.e. .gno, .xml. .ged or .json in order to function correctly.  Indeed you can prevent the first 3 being uploaded via the Privacy tab of the Generate Report dialog and also the Narrative Report does not have or require any .json file. 
Therefore there must be another reason for your missing files. 

Firstly please ensure you use the latest revision of the Report skin templates.  These are found on this forum at

If you still have a problem after installing and using the latest templates then perhaps try generating a report for a single genomap rather than the whole file. e.g. one containing one of the previously 'missing' individuals.

It may help diagnosis of the problem if you include a copy of the Report Log or Message Log at time of the failure.  Please ensure no passwords are visible in the copied text.

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Posted Tuesday, April 20, 2021 - Post #41391
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Ok thanks for your help. I must say I get confused between the Narrative Report and the Genotab way. Seems two different approaches on putting the tree on a web site.
Concerning the page not found, it's for all.
I will try your suggestions and let you know the result in three or for days, it's the time the narrative report runs (day and night) before achievement.
Posted Tuesday, April 20, 2021 - Post #41392
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If your report folders has characters that are invalid in a URI (e.g. a space (or anything other than A-Za-z0-9-._~:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;%, and =)then the report will not launch from GenoPro after the report is generated, but should be OK if pasted directly in your browser.

The Narrative Report is now ancient , has static pages and uses frames, now deprecated, and can result in vast numbers of files.   GenoTab was my attempt at a dynamic report with pages generated on the fly and one more suitable for today's tablets and mobile devices.  This approach allows me to revise the code as required without the user needing to republish a report. Also the user can just upload a new data file and/or pictures as required.

I am currently revising GenoTab to use Leaflet and OpenStreetMap instead of Google Maps.  I am also simplifying he generation process for a GenoTab report.  I hope to release the new version within a week.  But this is unlikely to be of use to you unless you subdivide your data into smaller files.

One further question: have you been able to successfully publish these reports locally to your hard rive?

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Posted Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - Post #41394
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No I have no invalid characters in my report folder. Concerning a report on my disk, I only tried the genotab version which gave me this huge json file. I haven't tried with a narrative report. I have launched a narrative report yesterday and it is still running (88 000 out of 288 000).
Concerning the genotab approach I would be glad to use it but as I told you I cannot split my tree in smaller files, because if I do that I will lose all the links within the different families and they are almost 10 000 links. So if you could take into account big files in your next genotab release, I would appreciate.
I tried to print my genealogy tree into a virtual printer, with no really success (5000 pages of 1 meter by 5 meters) thats is why I am trying to find a web solution, and the genotab solution looked fine for me.
Let me know if you will accept big json files, it's vital for my project
Thanks again
Posted Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - Post #41396
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Hello there
I got the following error messages :
[4204.54] Impossible d'écrire le fichier 'toc_individuals.htm'
    Erreur : Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown
[657.51] Impossible d'écrire le fichier 'timeline0.htm'
    Erreur : Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.
I tried to upload these files via FTP with no success
toc_individuals.htm has a size of 46,2 MO
timeline0.htm has a size of 40,4 MO
Are these files important ?
If yes how do I do to upload them ?
Posted Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - Post #41397
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Unfortunately toc_individuals.htm is the key index file for the Narrative Report, giving alphabetically list of all individuals. If this file cannot be uploaded during report generation or alternatively via GenoPro's FTP Client then there is no other way to upload to  

Perhaps it would be possible to upload your report to another web hosting site that allows FTP access?  

timeline0.htm is, as its name suggests a Simile timeline for family and individual events on the genomap0, or your first genomap.  Its large size is a surprise to me, surely you do not have everything in a single genomap ?  w00t   With 200,000 individuals this to me would be unmanageable.

All family trees can be subdivided into branches and sub branches. For example I have divided my own family tree into 67 sub trees, or genomaps.
(see also 

I use another genomap to provide schematic giving an overview of the linking between these sub-trees. Each block in the genomap below (implemented via an individuals marked as 'exclude from report')  represents another genomap, and clicking on a name switches the view to that selected genomap using hyperlinks.

From this view it can be seen how this tree might be split into separate .gno files,  e.g. the Goddard/Gerring series as one file, Swift group and others in the top right as another with the remainder forming the third file.

Hyperlinks need not be lost when splitting into separate files. GenoPro provides for external hyperlinks allowing seamless links from an individual in one .gno file to one in another .gno file.

At present external hyperlinks are not maintained in the Narrative Report, but should you wish to explore this solution I believe I can implement this allowing linking from an individual in one published Narrative Report to an individual in another Narrative Report published on the same server.

Of course with such a large amount of data splitting your tree is a huge amount of work, but if you want to publish this information via GenoPro, this in my opinion, is the way to achieve it.

The design architecture of GenoTab does not render itself to use with huge amounts of data, only what I consider to be a typical family tree size.  I write and maintain these reports as a hobby, I am an enthusiastic GenoPro user, not part of GenoPro Ltd, and at 70 years old I am not about to re-design a project that has taken years to complete.

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Posted Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - Post #41401
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Thanks for all this good information. I'll try to split and see what it gives. For the moment I am generating the report on my disk...
And yes I decided to have only one genomap of 200 000 individuals to have a general overview, it was easier for the interfamilies links.
It's gonna give me a real hard time to split and by the way I am also 70 years old
Thanks again
I may come back to you for this hyperlink you suggest, as I don't really know how this works
Have a nice day

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