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Pasting line-break codes in table layout

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Author How to paste text with line breaks in table layout?
Posted Friday, October 22, 2021 - Post #41793
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I would like to display the date AND PLACE of birth and death for each individual. As far as I can tell, GenoPro displays the dates just fine but does not have a function to display both places and the dates. 

By putting the desired text in the Comment field and then displaying that field with "Display > Comment", I can get pretty much the effect I want, like this:

But this requires that I MANUALLY add the proper line breaks for each individual by opening up their properties and editing the Comment field. With thousands of individuals in my tree, I don't relish that idea. I would rather paste everyone's information in the Comment column of the table layout, but when I do that I end up with something like this:

Is there a way I can embed the proper line breaks in the data, so that when I paste it in the table it will display correctly?
Posted Saturday, October 23, 2021 - Post #41795
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Can't see how this can be done in GenoPro, but is possible using my 'XML Toolkit' report template. At present it doesn't deliver the same date format you want and doesn't provide for blank lines.  I'm testing a couple of tweaks to it and should have a solution in a day or so.  The benefits are that the required data are generated automatically from existing fields and a custom tag is used, leaving Comment tag for original purpose.

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Posted Saturday, October 23, 2021 - Post #41797
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I'll be interested to try it out!
Posted Sunday, October 24, 2021 - Post #41798
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I have now posted an update to the Report Skins bundle at that includes an updated {EN} XML Toolkit report skin in which the 'create multiline tag' option has date formats as d MMM yyyy  e.g. 24 Oct 2021 and a conditional blank line option.

So having installed these skins as per instructions in the linked post, execute the {EN} XML Toolkit skin.  When the Parameter Settings dialogue is displayed it is a good idea to reset any previously used options by selecting '-- defaults --' in the Profile list and then clicking 'Load'.  Then move to the 'Multiline Tag' tab and set fields as follows:

Click OK to run the report. It's written in Javascript and so is not particularly fast.  Once complete open the generated XML file with GenoPro. Smile

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Sunday, October 24, 2021 - Post #41799
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It works exactly as requested, good work and many thanks!

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