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Male /Female question on Sentence

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Author there are a parameter for the gender?
Posted Tuesday, January 23, 2024 - Post #43703
Famous Writer

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Last Login: Tuesday, September 3, 2024
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In Spanish normally the names are without article, but in catalan we are using them

<!--   V="±" 0=name's, 1=is|was, 2=html father name, 3=his|her, 4=is|was, 5=html mother name, 6=ind alive?, 7=Father alive?, 8=Mother alive?
        Test={0}=Jim's, {1}=is|was, {2}=Arthur|, {3}=his|her, {4}=is|was, {5}=Mary|, {6}=Y|, {7}=Y|, {8}=Y|  -->
T="{ &#32;}{\U}{!0}[ father {!1} {2h}][[{?2} and {!3}] mother {!4} {5h}]."/>

I will translate this sentence like:
         El pare d'en Jordi (male)   or El pare de la Teresa (female)

T="{ &#32;}{\U}[{?2|5}[{?!1}{?2}el pare ][{?!2}la mare ][[{?3=el seu}d'en][{!}de la]] {!0}[ {!1} en {2h}][[{?2} i la seva mare ] {!4} la {5h}].
because the 3 parameter are "el seu" (male) "la seva" (female)

that's work.... i don't know if it's the best solution....

but.... like in french, wenn the name start with wowel, then we use no "de la" Maria, we use "de l'Angels"


how can I configure this point?

Edited: Tuesday, January 23, 2024 by Jordi-Albert

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