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Author Can´t update a published tree
Posted 3 hours ago - Post #46791
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You can delete your existing reports at the same place as password setting, i.e. under the 'GenoPro' tab and then under 'Online Publications' section (click view/hide).

The various Report Templates, or 'skins' are not actually part of the GenoPro product.  GenoPro provides the Report Generator API enabling reports to be written and is documented at Reports are included in the GenoPro download but these releases are quite infrequent.

As GenoPro user and now a 74 year old grandfather for the past 20 years or so I have developed, supported and maintained most of the Report Templates as a hobby and to try and keep my brain active before dementia w00t sets in. I enjoy scripting and the challenges. I recommend that you visit the link I provided and follow my instruction carefully.

To publish a password protected report I suggest you first publish a dummy report with say a single individual and then set a password on the published report folder. You can then generate your full report to that same folder and it will be password protected immediately rather than post publishing. 

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Yesterday @ 12:53 PM - Post #46786
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Thank you for the answer.
How to delete former reports published, before changing username?
You tell me I am using an old report template, but I am using the templates included in the last version of the software I recently downloaded...
Posted 2 days ago @ 10:06 AM - Post #46777
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Your report at was published today, 19/3/2025.  It is better to use a username, e.g.  367962, rather than an email address when publishing/accessing the report. If you use an email then you will get  "Page not found or moved" message when the publishing completes.

Also you may being seeing cached pages so clear your browser cache and look again if you see an old page.

You can change your username from an anonymous number to a more memorable name at under the Login tab.

Note that if you do change username you will lose control of your reports published under your previous name, so best to delete them before changing username.

You are using a very old version of the Report Templates. You can download my latest Report Templates here:

You may want to set a password on your reports.  This can be done at under 'GenoPro' tab and then under 'Online Publications' section.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Yesterday @ 9:28 PM by genome
Posted 2 days ago @ 9:42 AM - Post #46776
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Yesterday I published a tree on the Web site, now, I want to update it but I can´t. Do I need to delete the former tree, and how?
When I try to update I receive the following message: "Page not found or moved" and in the directory just appears the older tree.

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