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Posted Wednesday, June 6, 2007 - Post #17999
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To Ron:

I re-loaded your DateFix file and it's OK. No more disappearing "d".

However, I found something new:

The underlined red months are shown as numeric. This only happen when a day is present. When I remove the days (3 & 18), the months are back in letters. Strange.


Posted Wednesday, June 6, 2007 - Post #18004
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Thanks JC, you help and rigorous testing is much appreciated. It looks like the 'gremlins' have been at work again. The commented French example in Dictionary.xml contains

     <FmtToMD>[au |environ au |à l'avant le |à l'après le ]dMM yyyy</FmtToMD>

I think this should be

     <FmtToYMD>[au |environ au |à l'avant le |à l'après le ]d MMM yyyy</FmtToMD>


'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Wednesday, June 6, 2007 - Post #18007
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Ron, I am receiving following error message
Error at line 1118 (Code/Util.vbs) generating 'Watanabe-Michiko-michikode.htm': 型が一致しません。: 'GetParameter'
Microsoft VBScript runtime errorー 800A000D

when using your latest skin template.
Had made a small test file with 3 individuals, all of them with movie clips.
Posted Wednesday, June 6, 2007 - Post #18008
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Thanks Ron,
I already noticed the wrong <Fmt...> in Dic and corrected it (don't forget to also correct the tag closing bit). The problem was I had "MM" (numeric) instead of "MMM" (short 3 letters month). I now even opted for "MMMM" (full letter month).
2 more requests. Both apply to the new Param Config prior to a Rep Gene:

1) how can the following 2 buttons be translated:

2) When changing parameter(s) within the table, I noticed the changes are not written back to Config.xml. Can it be done?

I didn't notice any major problem with my FR report now. I'll continue testing anyway. Also waiting for the NameDic operability/support.
Good work Ron.
Thank you.

Edited: Wednesday, June 6, 2007 by jcguasp

Posted Thursday, June 7, 2007 - Post #18011
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I have now uploaded to the 1st post in this thread. It includes the feature for name translation via a NameDictionary file and also grouping similar last names by a 'root' or 'base' name in the Individual index, the root names are also obtained from the NameDictionary. Many surnames change over time and in some languages the name ending changes with the next generation or the gender of the person. This feature allows all such variations to be listed together.  Name translation is also applied to SVG diagrams but may not be suitable in all cases as any bounding box is left unchanged. Comments in the sample NameDictionary.xml file included in the skin give some hints on usage. The Configuration parameter LangNames specified the source language used in the .gno file, whilst the Skin Language determines the target language. All Config params can of course be set as Document Custom Tags or changed when the Report is generated via the Settings dialogue. Place names are translated if LangPlace is set.

The ChangeLog.txt file has now been updated with Dictionary.xml changes since

I have fixed the issue with GetParameter raised by maru-san. I had moved this function to Init.htm forgetting it was used by the 'Custom Markup' routines to obtain Document Custom tags. I have now changed the CustomTag function to handle these tags.

Regarding the two points you raised, Jean-Claude:

1. Language for buttons on VBScript's  'Popup' method. I had expected this to change with the user's locale, as is the case with other Microsoft functions, but this does not appear to be the case. I have tried several variations of Regional Settings in the Control Panel without success. I wonder if Dan has come across a similar issue during conversion of GenoPro to other languages. A possible solution would be for Dan to provide a 'prompt' method as part of the Report Generator that would allow user specification of button text.

2. Saving configuration settings in Config.xml. Whilst it is technically feasible to rewrite the whole of Config.xml file with the new values I am reluctant to do this for two main reasons,

i) It would not be possible unless a customized skin was being used, i.e. not 'built-in' to GenoPro.

ii) the current Report Generator only provides 'read' functions, with no 'write-back' methods or writeable properties, and so the script would need to replace the entire Config.xml file

Dan has indicated previously that he intended to add a 'parameters' dialogue to GenoPro, but I don't know if or where it is on the roadmap. In the meantime I would recommend setting new values that you want on a more permanent basis using Document Custom Tags in your .gno files.

Thanks for pointing out the closing tag for <FmtToYMD>, i had missed that.

I think this version completes the changes I had planned, but if I get time I will look at providing a facility for holding different language versions of comments and other text fields.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Thursday, June 7, 2007 - Post #18012
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Ron, found one more issue to be clarified:
`PhPlaceDescription T="The place {!0} ................[ in {7}]............... /`

in some instances you do have "in" and in other cases you have "in the", like in:
in America, but in the United States of America
in South Korea, but in the Republic of ..... or
in the Phillipines, there are a few more.
Posted Thursday, June 7, 2007 - Post #18014
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Ron, in your reply I see the following:

     <FmtToYMD>[au |environ au |à l'avant le |à l'après le ]d MMM yyyy</FmtToMD>

I presume that should be:

     <FmtToYMD>[au |environ au |avant le |après le ]d MMM yyyy</FmtToMD>

(dropping the " à l' ")

Posted Thursday, June 7, 2007 - Post #18015
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Hi Nand,

Don't ask Ron as he's not a FR specialist.

Here's my translation:

  <FmtSinceYMD>[à partir du|aux environs du|avant le|après le] d MMMM yyyy</FmtSinceYMD>
    <FmtSinceYM>[à partir de|aux environs de|avant|après] MMMM yyyy</FmtSinceYM>
    <FmtSinceY>[à partir de|aux environs de|avant|après] yyyy</FmtSinceY>
    <FmtSinceMD>[à partir du|aux environs du|avant le|après le] d MMMM</FmtSinceMD>
  <FmtUntilYMD>[jusqu'au|jusqu'aux environs du|jusqu'avant le|jusqu'àprès le] d MMMM yyyy</FmtUntilYMD>
    <FmtUntilYM>[jusqu'en|jusqu'aux environs de|jusqu'avant|jusqu'après] MMMM yyyy</FmtUntilYM>
    <FmtUntilY>[jusqu'en|jusqu'aux environs de|jusqu'avant|jusqu'après] yyyy</FmtUntilY>
    <FmtUntilMD>[jusqu'en|jusqu'aux environs du|jusqu'avant|jusqu'àprès] d MMMM</FmtUntilMD>
    <FmtFromYMD>[du|d'environ du|d'avant le|d'après le] d MMMM yyyy</FmtFromYMD>
    <FmtFromYM>[de|d'environ|d'avant|d'après] MMMM yyyy</FmtFromYM>
    <FmtFromY>[de|d'environ|d'avant|d'après] yyyy</FmtFromY>
    <FmtFromMD>[du|d'environ du|d'avant le|d'après le] d MMMM</FmtFromMD>
    <FmtToYMD>[au|aux environs du|à avant le|à après le] d MMMM yyyy</FmtToYMD>
    <FmtToYM>[à|aux environs de|à avant|à après] MMMM yyyy</FmtToYM>
    <FmtToY>[à|aux environs de|à avant|à après] yyyy</FmtToY>
    <FmtToMD>[au|aux environs du|à avant le|à après le]d MMMM</FmtToMD>
    <FmtFromAndTo>{0} {1}</FmtFromAndTo>

Feel free to change if you wish. I reckon it's a bit weird sometimes, e.g. "à après le".

Make sure the front and end tag match, e.g. <FmtToMD> and </FmtToMD>.

I just changed MMM (short 3 letter month) into MMMM (full letter month). You may also change back if you want.

Experiment and you'll see.



Posted Thursday, June 7, 2007 - Post #18021
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Yes a good point maru-san. It applies not just to countries part other parts of the address as well e.g.

e.g. The White House is located in Pennsylvania Avenue

but The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

It would perhaps be easier if the address components were GenoPro Place objects instead of text fields, since then a place prefix would be available. But since the data does not properly support the current sentence construction it would be bettter to avoid the issue with a change in the phrase to say 'The address of 'The White House' is 1600 Pennsyvania Avenue etc. ' thus excluding prepositions. If a place category present it would become: 'The White House' is a domicile and the address is 1600 Pennsyvania Avenue etc.' I think I'll also change domicile to a place of residence as in my experience the word domicile tends only to be used in legal documents.

You are correct JC, french is not one of my strong points. As I think I have said earlier, my french phrases were obtained using Google's translate tool. I'll replace the example in Dictionary.xml with your version.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Thursday, June 7, 2007 - Post #18022
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I actually had changed it this way in my German skin.

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