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Narrative Report release candidate

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Posted Friday, May 25, 2007 - Post #17865
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I have attached a revised English Narrative Report skin. This covers some of the later issues in topic The main changes are a few more translation aids that were not ready in time for The skin contains a ChangeLog.txt file outlining the changes to Dictionary.xml for those of you who have translated it to other languages.

The main change is in place prefixes, prepositions or 'locative' cases. If you add two Custom Tags to the Place object, namely Name.Gender & Name.Plural, then the Dictionary entries can take account of the gender of a Place name and its plurality. So we can have a place 'Pays-Bas' with an automatic prefix and set its Name.Plural Custom Tag to 'Y' and a Place France with Name.Gender set to 'F' to use the Dictionary entries

<PlacePrefix_Country T="au" P="aux" /> to arrive at aux Pays-Bas
and <PlacePrefix_Country_F T="en" /> to get en France

(hopefully next week I'll include name translation to translate 'Holland' to 'Pays-Bas' via the NameDictionary)

similarly in German we can have

<PlacePrefix_AtThe T="in dem" />

<PlacePrefix_AtThe_F T="in der" />

The other major change is expanded forms of the date span phrases. Note that I have removed the leading space from these phrases and so Dictionary phrases that use them have also been changed.

Minor changes are a facility for gender-specific terms for twins and possessive forms the the 'spouse/mate' alternatives.

Also a little tweak to Timelines to have a minimum gap of 30 pixels for events sharing the same timeline 'track' as I found it looked odd when two events occurred 'back-to-back'.

Update: 4 Jun 2007 - posted
Update: 7 Jun 2007 - posted
Update: 18 Jun 2007 - posted
Update: 23 Jun 2007 - posted
Update: 26 Jun 2007 - posted

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Friday, September 7, 2007 by Ron
Posted Sunday, May 27, 2007 - Post #17891
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I modified my FR skin, adding all the changes appearing in Ron's latest skin R006rc1 and got this error when generating an FR report:

The so-called invalid char are actually "é".

Possibly a unicode problem.

Thank you.

Posted Sunday, May 27, 2007 - Post #17892
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That is strange. I changed line 41 in my Dictionary to
  <cremation T="son corps a été incinéré"/>
and the report generated without any errors or warnings.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Sunday, May 27, 2007 - Post #17893
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Had the same problem with my dictionary file. So instead of modifying my file, I modified Ron`s dictionary file and moved my translation to that file(troublesome). This was faster then trying to find the culprit, which caused this.
Posted Monday, May 28, 2007 - Post #17895
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When saving your file containing accent or non ASCII characters make sure your file is saved in Unicode UTF-8 and not the local codepage of your system. Even notepad have this option in the save as dialog.

Posted Tuesday, May 29, 2007 - Post #17916
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Thanks, JC, for the "UTF-8 save as" tip. It's OK now.
Some more small requests for FR (and probably for other Lang) translations. Also a few noticed bugs.
A - Translation matters
1) <Unknown>
There is a need for a Fem trans of this sub-title (Inconnu -> Inconnue) based on the Ind Gender.

2) Adoptif fils (adopted son):

The FR word order should be "Fils adoptif". To achieve this at the moment, the instruction "WriteIndividualEvents ..." needs to be changed within "Util.vbs", if not mistaken. This should be accessible from the Dic. Also the adjective "Adoptive" should also be provided for a Fem Ind, i.e. <TimelineAdopted_F>. Also, perhaps for other languages, a <TimelineFoster_F>.

3) Connu (known)
There is a need for the plurial of the adjective "Connu", i.e. in the <PhChildRank> template.

I'm no French teacher but, as the word "enfant" could, in fact, be Masc (un enfant) or Fem (une enfant), I wonder if a Fem Plurial (connues) should also be provided (when all chidren are Fem)? Up to Genopro to check this point.

B - Bugs

1) Half-sisters phrase not complete. It should say "... et <inconnue>" (unknown Fem).

2) Space before a year
This only happens in a Pedigree Chart:

3) Missing "d" in Date "de"
The bug, apparently, may not be fully fixed yet! I think it's only when a month is present.

For info, here are the associated Ph templates:

<FmtSinceYM>[à partir de|aux environs de|avant|après] MMM yyyy</FmtSinceYM>
<FmtFromYM>[de|aux environs de|d'avant|d'après] MMM yyyy</FmtFromYM>

Note: The <ConvertDateSpan> substitution template doesn't seem to be implemented, i.e. de -> d' in front of avril, août and octobre.
        Same remark for the <LocativeProperNoun> subst templ: Doesn't seem to work.

I'll test a bit more if I've got time, including the Places Prefix as explained in the 1st post of this topic. There's so many possible scenarios all over the place!!
I am also looking forward on the implementation of the new "NameDictionary.xml". Looks interesting.
Good work.

Edited: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 by jcguasp

Posted Friday, June 1, 2007 - Post #17957
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Some more valid points Jean-Claude that in the main appear quite straightforward to address. Some I have already coded solutions. I'll need to do some more checks on the substitution problems you have found as I thought they we working.

I want to include a new 'Report Parameters' dialogue that I am currently working on in the next release and I also need to do some further work for name translation so it will be a few days before I have the next release candidate ready. 

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Saturday, June 2, 2007 - Post #17965
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Thanks Ron. Here are a few more translation requests:

1) Contact entries
Subsequent to clicking an entry in the Contact Toc, I noticed some Ph not fully translated:

I then changed, in Contacts.htm, the line:

Report.WritePhraseDic "PhOccupancy", c.type, StrHtmlHyperlinkPlace(c.Place), c.Duration, c.DateStart.FormatDateSpan(c.DateEnd)

to (copied from the Sub WriteHtmlOccupancies(i) in Ind.htm):

Report.WritePhraseDic "PhOccupancy", c.type, StrHtmlHyperlinkPlace(c.Place), c.Duration, StrDateSpan(c.DateStart, c.DateEnd)

and it seems OK (except a disappearing "d" already mentioned somewhere else). Of course, Ron to check.

Note on *:

We can see the presence of "0 mois" (0 months). I also noticed the same in View Table Layout:

I suggest Genopro to review the calc routine and to remove from field any zero Y, M or D.

2) Godparent Social Relation

In FR, There's no translation for "Godparent". Only "parrain" and "marraine" for "godfather" and "godmother" respectively.
So Genopro to decide what to do? Perhaps to provide a <PhSR_Godparent> _M & _F?

3) Sources

a- The Confidence level field is not narrated. Is it on purpose?

b- The narrative doesn't show a PlacePrefix for the Repository field

That's it. Now waiting for your next release. 


Edited: Sunday, June 3, 2007 by jcguasp

Posted Sunday, June 3, 2007 - Post #17969
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I will take a look at those issues.
Posted Monday, June 4, 2007 - Post #17980
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Hopefully all of Jean-Claude's points, other than the GenoPro  '0 mois' or '0m' issue have been resolved in which is now available see the 1st post of this thread.

I cannot reproduce the missing 'd' (i.e. de becomes e) problem. Could you confirm, Jean-Claude, that you are using the 'DateFix' version of

Regarding the 'godparent' phrase, The 'PhSR....' phrases did already have parameters for '3 subject female?' and '4 object female?' but I had wrongly annotated these as '3 subject gender' & '4 object gender'. The 'godparent' social relationship now shows godmother or godfather as appropriate.

The 'ConvertDateSpan' feature was in fact working but my commented French example had an extraneous apostrophe causing it not to work. Similarly with 'LocativeProperNoun', I forgot the leading space in the commented French example.  The Dictionary has now been corrected.

This version has an optional dialogue allowing Configuration parameters to be viewed and changed at Report generation time. All text for this dialogue is in the Dictionary and so can be translated. The interface is a little 'clunky' as VBscript in the Report Genenerator has no 'sleep' or 'wait' facility other than that present as part of the 'Popup' prompt method.

P.S. just realised I have not updated the 'ChangeLog.txt' for this version. I will correct this tomorrow.

Other additions are the facility to translate place names via a NameDictionary and also to add an 'alternative name' to individuals, either via a name Tag such as Name.Alternative or by translation of another name Tag using the NameDictionary.

I still intend to provide full name translation via the NameDictionary and also indexing via the 'base' or 'root' version of a last name.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

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